So here's another one of those posts where I celebrate the ineffable magic of the Next Blog button. Some of these are referrers: Someone, somewhere out there was clicking the magic button, visited one of these sites, and then showed up on my doorstep. Other ones are random blogs of interest I came across while using the magic button myself, which I've been known to indulge in now and then. As usual, ones I especially liked are in bold, although I'm too lazy to actually describe each blog this time around, so if you're curious why somebody got bolded, you'll have to go see for yourself, or not. I'll probably get tired of doing this sooner or later and stop. Or possibly I'll get so many visitors that it just becomes impossible to sort through. These pseudorandom referrals are a real minority of visitors anyway. Most are search engine hits, and I've also gotten a lot of blog-back visits to my "In Darkest Jesustan" post from a while back, since I linked to a Nation article down towards the bottom. I actually feel a bit bad about that; the title was far better than the actual post, which I think was something of a sour, ill-considered rant. So I think I may've left a few readers rather disappointed.
A fun thing about this sort of post is that you can make it as nonlinear as you like. When you update an existing blog entry, Blogspot often sends you a couple of new "Next Blog" people, so then you can go back, add those referrer pages, republish, and voila, even more visitors. And so on. It really gives you a nice illusion of control, or whatever.
Anyway, here's that list I was talking about, for better, or worse, or whatever:
- A Taste for Good Life
- Glass Menagerie
- Rage Dump
- Colbert Watch
- Saudi Jeans
- Don't Date Him Girl A blacklist of guys who cheat. What a great idea.
- Dante's Journey not a lot here, but has a cute dog photo.
- Pattern Recognition
- Reel Revolution Films
- Dr. Jeffs verden (in Norwegian(?))
- This is sodhi's world, source of the weird building photo above.
- Overworked & Underf*cked™.
- Bleeding pain. A blog from Singapore. I gather the author likes donuts and baby raccoons. I couldn't agree more.
- The blog that baby raccoon pic is from is worth visiting, as well.
- Journey into Being
- spiltmilk
- My Mobile Blog. I understand that some camera phones now let you post your images directly to a blogspot blog. I expect this is what this is. Come and see the future! Maybe I need to go and finally get myself one of those "cellphones" people keep talking about.
- redpop
- Psychedelic Kimchi
- Historical Drum Corps Publications
- My Musings
- A Day in The Life Of A Self-Made Entrepreneur, out of Utah. Don't miss the post about the late, semi-lamented Totally Awesome Computers.
- Spice Island Vegan Some of the recipes here sound awfully tasty, although as a non-vegan I do have to take issue with the whole TVP (textured vegetable protein) thing.
- Quad Cities Back Stage
- The Wig Wam
- Babies or Not
- Noticias de Gaia
- Ca pleut ca mouille, c'est la fete a la grenouille. Don't miss the photo of "Space Invaders" graffiti.
- Girls with Drinks
- Tuwa's Shanty
- A photoblog just called "pictures". Good pictures, tho.
- A Wayfaring Stranger
- Μυστικά και αληθινά του ΧΑ-in greek, obviously
- otto normal
- Acronym: Blog = WebLog All about acronyms!
- photoBlair's viewfinder [photoblog]
- You Learn Something New Everyday - see "garbage on blogger" post.
- Once in a Blue... Lamp
- Red Hot Chilly Cacklers
- vision-es [photoblog]
- Spin?
- Client Support
- Desserts
BTW, the tropical fruit picture (which features several durians, among other things) isn't from any of these blogs, and quite honestly has nothing to do with this post whatsoever. I just thought the post needed a bit more color, is all.
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