Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2014

2014: The Year in Instagram Cat Photos

O Hai! #cat #Cathursday #CatsOfInstagram

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Around this time last year, I was one blog post shy of 200 for the year, and I decided to wrap things up with a big collection of Instagram cat photos. As it stands now, I'm one blog post shy of 400 for the year, and I think maybe I'll continue the tradition and finish off 2014 with another bunch of cat photos. Because everyone loves cat photos, or at least everyone who matters does. There aren't quite as many as last year; he's gotten pretty good at recognizing when I'm trying to take his picture, and then he always moves or runs off or stops doing whatever it is I wanted a photo of.

If only he had some inkling of what a cushy life it is to be an Internet celebrity cat. The world-famous Grumpy Cat is said to be worth upward of $100M, believe it or not. That would pay for a lot of bonito flakes, and a bonito flake concierge/sommelier to curate them on the cat's behalf. Believe me, I've tried to explain this opportunity more than once, but he remains as uncooperative as ever. Possibly even more so.

#Caturday in the sun. #cat #neko #CatsOfInstagram

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Sleepytime #cat #neko #CatsOfInstagram

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Sofa? Cat fort. #caturday #cat #neko #CatsOfInstagram

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Apparently this is comfy. #Caturday #cat #neko #CatsOfInstagram

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

#caturday #cat #neko #CatsOfInstagram

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A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Spending #caturday in a drawer

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Getting an early start on #caturday...

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Zzzz.... #cat

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Graaaaa!!!!! #cat

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

christmas in vegas (instagram)

Conservatory #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Andy Warhol mannequin, Polaroid museum #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Night #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Pretty sure we're not in Portland anymore... #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Chandelier #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

More chandelier #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

This seems ok. #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Airport sunset #vegas

A photo posted by brx0 (@brx0) on

Saturday, June 28, 2014

this week in instagram commute photos.

Assorted photos taken while walking to work last week. I'm told the standard hashtag for these is supposed to be "#commutestagram", but that's just too silly for words.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

autumn fog

semi-scenic seattle

A few Instagram photos from a quick trip to Seattle last weekend. I ended up staying at a chain hotel on Aurora Avenue, a few miles north of the big bridge over Lake Union, vaguely near where the funeral was at. As you can see in the top photo, it's not exactly the most scenic part of town.

The hotel offered a strange ironing board with the iron permanently attached, I suppose to prevent people from stealing the iron or something. I'd never seen this before. Is this new, or have I been staying in the right sort of hotel all this time?

These quibbles aside, it's a fantastic location, because there's an Ivar's just two blocks south, on the far side of a giant Sam's Club. It would've been easily walkable if the weather hadn't been so terrible. It's not the one on the Seattle waterfront, of course, but the fish and chowder are the same, which is the main thing.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Rainbow Bridge, Hale'iwa

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On my recent trip to Oahu, I spent most of a day riding bus #55, which loops around the eastern half of the island. After a few earlier stops including Turtle Bay and Waimea Bay, I decided to stop in the little North Shore town of Haleiwa for lunch. When I got there, I couldn't help but notice this little arched bridge at the edge of the town's little downtown area. So naturally I had to take a few photos of it.

Hawaii's generally not a land of interesting bridges, as the local geography doesn't favor them. For the most part the islands' rivers and streams are too small to require anything beyond simple utilitarian bridges, and the channels between the islands are too wide to bridge at all. Hale'iwa's "Rainbow Bridge" on the little Anahulu River is a rare photogenic exception to the rule. In the early 20th Century, Hale'iwa was a popular seaside resort at the northern terminus of Oahu's cross-island railroad, and the town was a popular weekend escape from the (relative) hustle and bustle of big-city Honolulu. The bridge dates to the town's resort heyday, which I imagine is why it's more decorative (and presumably expensive) than it strictly needed to be.

After taking the bridge photos, I stopped at a nearby food truck for a plate of garlic shrimp. It was delicious. I usually don't like shrimp, so that's saying a lot. And yes, I'm blogging my Instagram food photos. Somehow it feels a little less vain and self-absorbed when they're also vacation photos. I think. Anyway, after that I stopped at a famous shave ice shop, and I have an Instagram photo from there too:

So I can recommend their tropical combo with condensed milk on top, in case you're ever in Hale'iwa and feel like getting a shave ice.

Anyway, about Hawaii and bridges, I said earlier that the islands are too far apart to bridge, but Wikipedia's "Channels of the Hawaiian Islands" article indicates that all but one of the inter-island channels are no more than 30 miles wide, which is shorter than the Channel Tunnel or Japan's Seikan Tunnel. The ocean between the islands is also up to 6100 feet deep in places, much deeper than any existing undersea tunnel, which is kind of a problem. Still, if you could figure out a way to deal with that, tunnels might be technically possible. It's just that it would cost many tens of billions of dollars, and Hawaii only has a bit over a million people, and most of them live on Oahu, and inter-island flights are quick and cheap. So this is more of an SF novel plot point than an actual idea. Imagine, in an alternate timeline, an inter-island bullet train network serving the fabulously rich Kingdom of Hawaii, the Switzerland of the Pacific. Possibly created with advanced alien technology, or built by domesticated krakens, or something.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

sunset, ala wai marina

A few more vacation Instagram photos from last week. Yeah, it's another Hawaiian sunset. Let me know down in the comments if you're getting tired of these.

I did take the "real" camera along too, btw. I just haven't gotten around to uploading photos yet. What would really be ideal here would be an Android-based DSLR with at least WiFi and maybe a 4G connection, and a somewhat more reliable Flickr app. A stretch goal would be an app that fetches HTML for your Flickr uploads, adds them to a new Blogger post, generates an embedded Google map based on your GPS location, saves it as a draft, and generally does everything except for the actual writing part. That would be ok. And yes, I have looked into the various web service APIs I'd need to use to write this myself. But that's as far as I've taken it. So apparently I haven't needed this app quite badly enough for me to take the time and write it. Still, it would be nice to have. The workflow involved in doing the average blog post here is clunky and hasn't changed in years, and it's starting to feel like stone-axes and bearskins technology. Relatively speaking, I mean.