Wednesday, January 30, 2008

pdx places roundup

This isn't really much of a post in itself. I'm trying to put together an index of my posts about interesting locations in and around Portland, because Blogger's 'labels' feature just doesn't quite cut it, and I don't know of a way to geotag individual blog posts (yet).

This list is far from complete. It's been sitting in my 'drafts' folder for roughly forever and a day (i.e. since last June), and it's only semi-complete up to that point. I'll update it as needed, or at least when I get around to it, probably.

Saddle Mountain State Park
PDC Block 47
Prescott Biozone
Skidmore Bluffs / Mocks Crest Property
Paul Bunyan Plaza, North Denver Plaza, Fenwick Pocket Park, Kenton Park
Kenton Neighborhood Rose Garden
Civic Plaza
Park Blocks, Peace Plaza, Peace Memorial Park
Collins Circle
Corbett Oak / Heritage Tree Park
Washington Park
Washington Park
Jamison Square, Peace Memorial Park
O'Bryant Square, Ankeny Park
Lovejoy Fountain, Tanner springs, Waterfront
Stanich Park, Roy Beach Park
Kelly Butte
Rocky Butte / Jos. Wood Hill Park
Tanner Springs
Portland Firefighters Park
Lovejoy Fountain
Lovejoy Fountain
Ankeny Park, Lovejoy Fountain, Waterfront
Washington Park
Ankeny Park
Kelly Butte, Mt. Tabor
Lone Fir Cemetery
Lovejoy, Waterfront
South Waterfront Neighborhood Park
O'Bryant, ODOT - Fremont
Mt. Tabor
Olympic National Forest
Tanner Springs
Jewett Park
SoWhat Neighborhood Park
Frank L. Knight Park
Jamison square
Jamison, tanner
Governors Park
Kelly Butte
Eastside Esplanade
Columbia Gorge NSA
South Park Blocks
Macleay Park
Washington Park
Oregonian Printing Press Park, 14th & Hall, "Portland Center", rippling river

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