Someone (a utility co. most likely) spraypainted this on SW Stark, in downtown Portland, for reasons of their own. I'm really kind of curious what it signifies, aren't you? (The grad-school theoretical musings about "signifier" and "signified" in this situation are left as an exercise for the reader.)
On a related note, it seems Portland, Maine is home to perhaps the world's only topless donut shop. (Some visitor reviews of this establishment here and here). My wife, who ran across this in the Portland, ME newspaper, suggested it has all the bases covered so far as infantile male desires go. I like to think I know a thing or two about infantile male desires, and I'd argue they really won't have the complete package unless they add, at minimum, beer, bacon, and ESPN. Plus lots of chrome. Possibly cheese, too, and maybe peanuts. Oh, and steaks. And you can't go wrong with stuff that's on fire, either. Everything goes better with fire.
It's surprising that our fair city doesn't feature anything like this. All of our donut shops are of the fully clothed variety. Even Voodoo Donut. Well, the staff, anyway. The customers, I'm not so sure about.
This brings us around to today's lesson in physiology and applied physics.. Although... two small turkeys!? I can't get that image out of my mind now. Other than that, I'm really not in a position to comment at length about the article, beyond offering a sympathetic "Owwww!!!"
And in a less-directly-related item, it seems that -- for the first time ever -- teenagers are dancing in ways their elders disapprove of. Shocking! Intolerable!
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