This is "Da Tung", the elephant statue in the North Park Blocks. An Oregonian article explains how it got here.
When I took these photos, I thought I'd do a sort of blind men meet elephant thing, and get close up enough to the statue that you can't immediately tell what it is from any one photo.
Incidentally, most versions of the story don't mention this, but eventually the elephant got annoyed and trampled all the wise men.Elsewhere on the net, "Concelebratory Shoehorn Review" has a nice post all about the elephant, and "Portland (OR) Daily Photo" has a post about the north park blocks that mentions the elephant but has no photos of it. And for a really mind-blowing thing, check out this Etch-A-Sketch picture of the elephant. Wow. I can't even draw a straight line with one of those. Actually I'm not that great at drawing straight lines with pencil and paper, come to think of it. But I digress.
The elephant also appears in the Smithsonian's inventory of local public art, FWIW.
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