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This is Beaverton's Sexton Mountain Meadows Park, the little park at the top of the hill in the semi-ritzy / wannabe-ritzy Murrayhill area.
The photos aren't real enthralling, despite the altitude. In that part of town, when you go uphill all you see is more Beaverton. Probably if one was to go to the far edge of the big water tank here, one could look down and see even more Beaverton, if one so desired.
So you may have gathered I'm not posting this because I wanted to share some cool photos I took. Nah, the photos are strictly illustrative this time. And I don't have any fascinating historical tidbits to share, unless you think 1991 is ancient history. Which it is, actually, in interweb years. So without further ado, permit me to present a silly story from the ancient USENET days of yore: "The Ballad of Sexton Mountain". Snort. Giggle.
The subdivision mentioned in the story has a website here. Lots of talk about bylaws and CC&R's, but oddly not a word about their persistent signage issues. Their site does have a photo of their entrance sign, in a non-vandalized state no less, but I didn't check whether it's actually there or not...
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