Monday, September 06, 2010

rose & passengers, waterfront park

rose & passengers, waterfront park

rose & passengers, waterfront park

rose & passengers, waterfront park

rose & passengers, waterfront park

rose & passengers, waterfront park

rose & passengers, waterfront park

Aviary Birds, Oregon Zoo

aviary birds, oregon zoo

The aviary next to the African Savanna exhibit is my favorite part of the zoo. I've never been able to explain why, much less convince anyone, but that's ok. You have to stop and sit and watch for a bit; it's not really an instant gratification sort of exhibit the way the elephants are, for example.

aviary birds, oregon zoo

You'd think that since I stopped and sat and paid a little attention, I'd be able to identify the birds pictured here and provide some useful trivia about them. But sadly that's not the case. As I said in the last bird post, feel free to chime in and identify these birds if you know what they are.

aviary birds, oregon zoo

aviary birds, oregon zoo

aviary birds, oregon zoo

aviary birds, oregon zoo

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Pics: KOIN Center

A slideshow about downtown Portland's KOIN Center. As with the recent post on the nearby Wells Fargo Tower, most of these photos have appeared here before. There are a few new ones at the end of the slideshow, so feel free to watch the whole thing and wait for those. Or just open the photoset in Flickr if you'd rather do that. Or whatever.

I'd forgotten how controversial the building was initially. In the short period of time between the opening of the eastbound Vista Ridge Tunnel (1969) and the KOIN Center being built (1984), you had a great view of Mt. Hood right when you exited the tunnel. The KOIN Center blocked that view, and was itself topped with a blue pyramid that looks vaguely like Mt. Hood. Which depending on who you talked to was a coincidence, a respectful architectural reference, or the designers adding insult to injury. I tend to believe that if you need unimpeded views of distant mountains, being in the middle of a city may not be the right thing for you.

View Larger Map

Saturday, September 04, 2010

idle gossip

idle gossip

I can't decide if I want to wring my hands about anthropomorphizing zoo animals, or just run with it this time and give this photo a silly LOLCAT-style caption. Or there's always option 3, have a self-referential meta-discussion about my dilemma.

Option 4 would be to mention what sort of birds these are and point at a reliable source of further info. That would be more in keeping with what I usually try to do here, but the signage in the zoo aviary isn't that great, and I didn't take a photo of it anyway (or write down names for that matter), and the zoo website doesn't go into detail about aviary birds for some reason. And in short, I have no idea what sort of birds these are. So Option 4 is out, unfortunately.

Also, I can't think of any funny captions at the moment. Feel free to chime in if you have any bright ideas. Or if you can identify the birds, for that matter.

Thx. Mgmt.

tweets & retweets, september 3 2010

So this is kind of an experiment. I've seen other bloggers post daily tweet roundups now and then. It seemed like an interesting idea, and a simple way to diversify the subject matter on this blog a bit more. Putting this together by hand was kind of annoying, though. I haven't yet run across any tools that compile tweet summaries automagically, but now I really think there's a need. It may be time to break out that Twitter API book I haven't gotten around to reading yet...

Friday, September 03, 2010

acorn, waterfront park

acorn, waterfront park

acorn, waterfront park

acorn, waterfront park

Church of Elvis

Church of Elvis

It's baaack! Portland's legendary 24 Hour Church of Elvis returned recently, after a long absence I'd assumed was permanent. It has a new Old Town location on NW Couch near 4th, but other than that it looks the same as the original, mumble-mumble years ago, right down to the psychic Commodore 64 computers. I fed one of them a quarter for old times sake, and took a couple of photos, which attracted the attention of a few passers-by in the process. As I always say, I like to believe I'm performing a valuable public service when this happens.

Church of Elvis

That's why the 3rd photo is so crappy actually: A woman wanted to show it to her young daughters, passing the bemusement on to the next generation. So I snapped the last photo quickly and got out of the way. Most real photographers would have told them to go right ahead and would've been delighted to have some live people in the photo. But that's not really how I roll here, for good or ill. This humble blog is basically about places and things. People, not so much.

Church of Elvis

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo

A few photos of a De Brazza's Monkey at the Oregon Zoo. Is he thinking the deep bittersweet thoughts of a zoo macaque? Or is he just waiting for a bus that never arrives?

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo

De Brazza's Monkey, Oregon Zoo