Another batch of mostly-unrelated photos, some from today, some from the archives. The top photo is of some ceramic tiles embedded in the sidewalk on NW Flanders near 14th, close to the Rogue brewpub. I'm sure there's a "who" and a "why" behind this, but I know nothing more about it than what you see here. Kind of cool, though.
Moss growing between cobblestones near SW Harrison, downtown.
Morning over the South Umpqua River, southern Oregon.
A banana peel on the sidewalk somewhere in the Pearl District. I swear I didn't put it there, cross my heart, etc., so I gather that someone else sees the Pearl much the same way that I do.
More moss, this time on the steps in Lovejoy Fountain Plaza. I hadn't posted a new photo of the place in days, so I figured it was way overdue. Although if nobody else on the planet feels that way, it wouldn't come as a complete shock to me.
No, this isn't the logo of some forgotten folk-rock band from the 70's. It's a sign on the Elizabeth condo tower in the Pearl. Apparently this is where they keep their emergency generator, and you can tell from the sign that it's an upscale emergency generator, probably imported, because in the Pearl not just any old generator will do, even in an emergency.
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