Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday beery mobloggitude

Ok, so I had to get out of the office, due to the sunshine and whatnot. And it turns out that the downtown Stumptown has Rodenbach on tap right now. I'd never had it before, but now I can see why it's so revered. Not universally revered; some small-minded folks will never accept tart, reddish beer that's aged in giant wood barrels. 0h, well. More for me, that way.

The closest comparison I can come up with is Duchesse de Bourgogne, although if you haven't heard of Rodenbach you probably have little or no experience of DdB either. Rodenbach is actually less tart, and also drier (less sweet) than Duchesse, so it seems more refreshing. I would happily drink one after working out. I'd put it right up there with Bavarian hefeweizens on that account.
It seems more complex, too, and I can't put my finger on what those extra notes are. I'm generally not so good at associating a word with a smell or a taste, so this isn't surprising. I would be hopeless trying to write about wine. And hence, I almost never make the attempt.

It's also not too high ABV, at least by Belgian standards, so I might get some intelligible UML churned out today.

Yes, I'm on the clock right now, sort of, and I'm eagerly awaiting visions of sugar plums, er, class diagrams, dancing in my head. Any minute now, I'm sure.

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