Latest photo of Saturn's moon Rhea, taken by Cassini on Friday. It's one of the least interesting moons out there, quite honestly, but hey, it's a new photo, so here it is.
There's a Titan flyby set for today, but it's primarily a radar pass this time, so I expect there'll be even less instant gratification than there usually is with Titan flybys. Which only matters if you get any gratification from this sort of thing in the first place, and most people don't.
A google search on "Rhea" also delivers a few head-scratching items: Here's one about "Orphic Music", and one about the relevance of Kuiper Belt objects to "advanced astrology". And something about the mystical importance of New Years Day 2004. I must've completely missed out on that one or something. And here's a page with everything: Saturn, pyramids, Masons, the Second Coming (which probably won't be Aug. 29th, 2007, btw), Illuminati, and much, much more. Enjoy!
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