Friday, June 16, 2006

Precambrian Blogging

(in which a decade-old short story of mine gains unexpected new life out here on the Interwebs.)

I found a box of my old Atari ST floppies the other day, and after a bit of finagling, I was able to read files off of most of them. Which is surprising, considering that some of the disks are close to (gulp) 20 years old. And by "finagling", I mean using Hatari, an ST emulator that runs under OSX, and firing up trusty old 1st Word. It wasn't Emacs or anything, but it did the job at the time.

Anyway, I was browsing around my old documents and came across one that read remarkably like a blog post, dating back to some time around '96 or '97 ( I used to keep computers a long, long time, you understand ). Of course there was no such thing as a blog posting back in that primitive era, when wild 486 DX4s roamed the earth, and laptops were a luxury item, reserved for millionaire CEOs and marketing VPs. And even then, these laptops ran MS-DOS. A blogger today would be sitting in the coffee shop, typing things up as they happened. But back in my day we had to remember stuff, and wait until we got home to type it in to the computer. Also, every day we walked to school through the snow, uphill, both ways. And we were grateful. Kids these days, they never believe you when you try to tell 'em.

So instead of a blog entry, I viewed this piece as a "slice of life" short story. I really can't say at this point how much of this is strictly accurate, and how much is artistic license, but it's based on a visit to the coffee bar at a big-box chain bookstore in Augusta, GA, about ten years ago. I'd like to apologize in advance for the missing capital letters. I thought that was ultra-sophisticated at the time. But then, I recently altered this blog's title from a capital 'C' to a lowercase one, so maybe some things just never change.

I've cleaned the post up a little and fixed a couple of ungrammatical bits, but otherwise this piece is unchanged from when I wrote it all those long years ago. I figured, hell, it's not like I'm ever going to make a cent off this thing, so I may as well just post it here.

If you prefer to wallow in present-day computing trendiness instead of going all retro, you might enjoy my imported OPML full of RSS feeds, courtesy of SYO.

Anyway, here's our story, which I originally titled simply Capuccino. Ok, the file was actually called "CAPUCINO.DOC", since you were limited to 8.3 filenames back in the day.

so i'm in the bookstore and i decide i need coffee. i first
hunt down a book to read. this takes a while. i think there's an
art to having coffee properly, and part of it involves having a
book on hand. first, so you don't drink too quickly. a bad habit
of mine. second, for something to do instead of stare into the
middle distance trying to look thoughtful. third, so people can
see how intelligent and literate you are, supposing they care to
look at what you're reading. this is both difficult and a sign of
being insecure, maybe. or just pretentious. so is dropping
capital letters, maybe.

so i've tracked down an overview of surrealist art and i'm
standing in line for coffee. it's memorial day and there's a
line. the woman ahead of me is making trouble, and it's not even
her turn yet. at the corner table, a clean-cut mid-twentyish
black guy asks if anybody's got a watch. i don't. hardly anyone
does. finally somebody has the time. fifteen something hours. this is
an army base town. black guy says this is what he gets for not
wearing a watch. the accent says educated, middle class. the
body language says outgoing. you know, like on tv. maybe gay, also, it's hard to say.

so the woman ahead of me is ordering now. it's taking a
while. she's whining about the coffee not being fresh enough.
it's like if it's been in a thermos it turns to bat guano, she
wants it fresh. and gripes about the grounds, too. look, i
know coffee, this place has good coffee, i don't see what her
problem is. plus, i want it to be my turn soon. she's talking
like she knows the staff here. i wonder if she's an employee off
duty, or a regular, or what. it's not clear. the barista's
making quite a show of humoring her caprices and not getting
sucked into an argument. i admire that. i've done that job. i
know how it can get sometimes. she says hello or something to
the black guy without a watch, i can't hear exactly because
there's a bunch of noisy middle-aged men behind me. so she
knows the guy in the corner. are they together? i wonder.
and then one of the guys behind me talks to her. i just make out
a few words and they're greek to me, seems they know each other
too and have the sort of conversation people who know each other
have. you can't very well listen in because you had to be there
and see what happened in person to get it, and i hadn't done so.
somehow she manages to also heckle the barista some more. oh, and
the barista says a few words to the black guy in the corner. i
have a sudden feeling of being tied to a balloon and launched
skyward, floating, moored to nothing solid. everybody seems to
know everyone else, in ways i seem destined never to discover.
all this time i'm clutching the book about surrealist art, trying
to look nonchalant, and trying to avoid eye contact. with anyone.

so the woman ahead of me seems to be wrapping up her order.
she's changed her mind a few times now, and the barista's trying
to placate her. she's scored a couple free samples with promises
that she'll enjoy them. now, i'd be quite satisfied with a few
free samples. but does anyone offer any to me? no. this is her
reward for making trouble. so finally she decides to get coffee
out of a thermos. you'd think the guy was trying to sell her a
syringe full of rat poison the way she's carrying on. he rings
her up, and then she needs a cookie, too. he gets her a cookie
and rings her up. and quickly leans around her and loudly asks
what he can get for me. i tell him i need an iced capuccino and
she tells him she needs something else too, when he gets a chance.

the barista seems like an ok guy. asks me if i want ice in
it. huh? my surprise means yes, i do, and he explains that some
people like it without ice. i'm a coffee snob, and bantering with
the guy i try to get the fact across. so i ask him if it's
unusual for people to order iced capuccinos, hoping it is. he
says people often change their orders in the midst of him making
the thing - seems they also have this coffee drink that comes in a
mix that people in these parts seem to like. probably full of
sugar. i think i'm detecting that he's glad somebody knows what
they want, and that it's something worth wanting. i think that's
what it is. but i can't explore this. the way he says it all
seems like an apology for asking if i wanted ice. this is how you
get when you're harried. i know how it is. plus, those noisy
guys are still behind me in line. so i get my drink and go find a

the only table open is next to the one that woman is at.
seems she's got a son, eight or nine years old, and she's fussing
over him. oh, and she's unhappy about something and goes to
discuss this with the barista. meanwhile the guys behind me want
to know what i'm having. the barista is trying to explain what
the different items on the coffee menu are. one of the men has
gone to claim a table, maybe twenty feet from the counter.
without deciding what he wants first. so we've got this forest-
father-granola looking guy at the table and this swarthy fat guy
in line shouting a confused dialogue on what the guy at the table
wants, in his heart of hearts, to drink. it goes something like

"how about a 'caffe latte' ?"

"What's that?"

the swarthy guy confers with the barista for a moment.

"espresso and steamed milk"


"espresso and steamed milk"

"i thought that's what a capuccino is"

the swarthy guy confers with the barista for a moment.

"it's the same thing with more foam and less milk"

"what else they got?"

this goes on for a while. finally the swarthy guy decides
to prove he's a take-charge, bottom-line, take-no-guff type by
making an executive decision. the woman is impatiently waiting
for another go at the barista.

"what's fast around here?" says the guy.

"excuse me?"

"to make. what's fast to make. you got just plain coffee?"

"yes, sir."

"okay. four of those."

the barista starts pumping four coffees from the thermos.
the woman interrupts. she's brandishing the half-eaten cookie
like a district attorney with crucial evidence.

"are you sure this doesn't have peanut butter in it?"

"pretty sure, yes"

"pretty sure?"

"i'm sure there isn't any peanut butter in it"

"absolutely sure?"

"yes, ma'am."

"my son is very allergic to peanut butter"

"does it taste like peanuts?"

"i don't know. maybe."

she comes back to the table and sits down. looks very
frustrated. i don't think she asked about peanuts when she bought
the cookie. and while she was asking, the kid was happily
munching part of the cookie. during all this i'd been sitting
there at my table failing to get into the book but turning pages
anyway by force of habit, sneaking peeks at the commotion.

the men walk by loudly. the footsteps aren't loud, they
aren't talking noisily, there's just something loud about them.
as they pass by, the woman (who had just sat down) turns to

"hey, have you been to that new church?"


the feeling of tumbling through space returns. i don't
know what the hell is going on here. i like watching people.
it's like putting a puzzle together. you pick out bits and pieces
of information from how they act, and a picture of who they are
starts to emerge. not this time. it's like a puzzle, but none
of the pieces fit together, and if they did i wouldn't recognize
the picture.

the woman takes a sip of her coffee, gets up, and interrupts
another customer. it seems she likes her coffee. not too strong
like it usually is. chatters about this for a while. the barista
ignores her. she comes back and fusses with her son. she gets up
again and interrupts someone else. her son needs chocolate
sprinkles for the whipped cream on his drink. the barista
measures some out for her in a little cup. she sits down
muttering about not being trusted with the jar of sprinkles. she
gets up again to fetch sugar for her coffee. this doesn't involve
even going near the barista, but she still returns angry and
frustrated. there's just no pleasing some people.

"can i sit here?"

i look up. the black guy wants the seat across the table
from me. i say sure and go back to my book. somehow he strikes
up a conversation with the woman at the next table. i thought
they knew each other before. now i really couldn't say.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"Could be. I was on TV."

"You were on TV?"

"No, not really."


"Actually, I was. See those Desert Storm books over there?
I was in a foxhole."

"You were in Desert Storm?"

"Yeah, didn't do anything too special but don't let anybody
tell you they didn't use chemicals over there. Here, look at
this. This is a chemical burn" he says, showing off his shoulder.

"I don't see it, but I believe you. What kind of chemicals?"

"I think it was mustard"

"Like in food? I didn't know..."

"No, mustard gas. It's a poison."

"Oh." She marvels at where the scar would be if she could
only see it and then asks: "What was it like over there? I heard
it was really dirty."

"It was really sandy, if that's what you mean"

"You know, like Iran, Iraq, India, that whole place is dirty.
I heard somebody say they were in Israel, and there were
Christians, Jews, and Moslems all in this one neighborhood, and
you could tell where the Moslems lived because they just threw
their garbage out into the street."

"You want to see dirty, you should see the people I have to
deal with through work"

"Where do you work?"

"I reposess things."

"Oh." she says, with a deer-caught-in-the-headlights look.
she's been following along in a dull way, inert except when her
wrath is aroused.

he starts talking about the filthy conditions people live in
here in this very city. none of this surprises me. she's doing
the same "Oh" and nodding. there is nothing behind those eyes
except a bundle of needs that god and all his angels and the
denizens of the nine circles of hell and everybody on mount
olympus couldn't fill. so he talks away unimpeded by serious
questions. more and more this seems like a real advantage for
him. something about the way he's saying all this makes me
wonder. whatever the conversation snakes around to, he's done.
how convenient. he happens to mention in passing he was in haiti
with the army too. i think he says somalia too, but i'm trying
to read a book here.

during all of this the barista fusses over the bright
bronze tubes of his espresso machine. like the average
person here would notice. he could use the same grounds
all day and let the milk sit out every night and people
would think that's how it's supposed to be.

he says his name is marcello. she says hers is leona. i
think it's leona. i'm trying to be inconspicuous here, so i
can't listen too closely. she asks where he's from. california.
makes sense, she says, it didn't seem like he was from
around here. yes, he says, leaning close, people around here
are a bit, you know, he says, whispering, stupid. she agrees. i
agree too. i could jump in to the conversation and say some
very witty things at this point, but i am who i am, so i don't.
accent says she's not from around here either, but he doesn't ask
about it.

seems marcello's from huntington beach. ooh, orange county.
just moved here a month ago, lives in a little rural town just
outside our fair city here. came to be near his mother. hates
it. the town police are always pulling him over. playing rap
too loud, they say. i hate rap, he replies, don't stereotype me.
hey, that would bother me a lot, too. southern police make me
upset, and i'm not even black. inwardly i'm cringing, though:
we're in the south, and the race thing has come up in
conversation. i can't put my finger on what i'm afraid might
happen. maybe a guy at the next table is in the state aryan
militia or something and starts lobbing grenades. i dunno.
but this time it passes. she's too eager to be regaled with
tales of exotic locales:

"what's california like?"

"it's wonderful. you have to go sometime. you just really
have to go. it's unbelievable."

the adjectives seem to do the trick for her. she nods in
agreement without having learned anything about california. it
might as well be somewhere on the moon of pluto.

leona doesn't have the accent, but she's got the southern
way of being an idiot. it's like if you haven't been somewhere
or seen or done something personally, the place, the action, or
whatever, is just inconceivable. not knowing isn't a character
flaw in my book; not wondering certainly is.

to be fair, there's a northwestern way of being an idiot,
too. instead of having no imagination, the crucial piece missing
is basic common sense. a few years back a bunch of guys were
having a party in the woods and had just polished off a keg of
beer. lacking basic common sense in addition to being drunk, they
got to wondering what would happen if they put the keg in the
campfire. it heated up, exploded, and killed a couple people.
the worst thing with having no common sense is that you'll never
realize it until it's way too late. thus, people think they
can get away with all kinds of weird things. like trying to
outrun cop cars like they do on tv. or hiring some trailer park
tough to break an ice skater's leg so you can be champion.
or robbing banks. oregon has the highest number of bank robberies
in the country, and the crooks almost always get caught. and
every single time the offender is absolutely shocked that they
didn't get away scot-free.

"i think you should be a police officer."

"you know, i tried out for that, but i didn't pass some
psychological test they had.", says marcello, not missing a beat.

"oh, really? how come?", says leona, not missing a beat.
whether it's worse to buy the brooklyn bridge or to sell it is
an open question.

"when they asked me questions i told the truth. i told
them i didn't believe police should have special privileges, and
like, they have to obey the law just like anyone else.", like
those would be actual test questions or something.

"i think you're right about that", she says. if the planet
ever runs low on sympathy so that it's worth money, i want
drilling rights to leona here. she's like an artesian well of
moral support. except if you don't make her coffee right.

"besides, there's more money in reposession work."

"are you going to school?"

"i'm trying to get into the local college, but now i'm
not sure. credits don't transfer to other schools very well.
i think it's because people in this town are stupid and the
courses are designed for them."

"do you have friends here?", she says. my, isn't she

"just tammy and john here", he says and points. seems
john is the barista. and the plot thickens. oh, did i mention
i'm trying to read a book here? really, i am. so maybe morbid
curiosity is getting the best of me, but i'm having a go at a
bit of art history. i have to say that pictures of birdcages
full of marble "sugar cubes" aren't helping my mental state
at all. i look up for a moment and sip my coffee. nobody's
paying any attention to me. fine by me.

they chatter on a bit more. she's starting to act restless.
just about done with her coffee, and i guess that means time to
go. and i notice that would leave empty tables all around this
one, so marcello might decide to talk to me. somehow that holds
zero appeal for me, so i start sipping my coffee faster. i try
to be nonchalant about it, though.

and now the kid's gotten up and he's peering over my
shoulder. i look directly at him figuring that'll shame him
into going away. but no, that only works on adults. i put a
marker in the book and close it, and take a couple gulps of
my coffee. hey, this is the south -- exposing kids to modern art
is probably a felony. he gets bored and starts toward the big
section full of children's books based on violent cartoon shows.

she says she has connections and could probably get him a
job with the city police. that's interesting. marcello seems
to think so too, but begs off, giving the recent pay cut for city
employees as a reason. she nods like this is some kind of small
town and everybody knows the inner workings of city hall. or at
least they both do. and he allegedly just moved here, too. she
says this while getting up and they exchange pleasantries i catch
snippets of in between mouthfuls of iced coffee. she wanders off.

she's walking off, sip, sip, sip, marcello goes back to his
magazine for a bit, and then turns to the barista.

"hey, could i get a glass of ice water?"

there's a woman behind the counter with john. Must be
tammy, his other friend. I think.

"there's a drinking fountain over there, see it?", she says.

"let me rephrase that. i need a glass with cold water and
ice in it."

"do you want ice in that?", he asks. i hope he's not making
fun of me. why would he? maybe i'm paranoid. sip, sip, sip.

"no, and make that warm water."

"okay, sure."

i'm almost done here. sip, sip, gulp, done. cool. i'm
outta here. i stand up quietly and do a studied saunter over to
the trash bin and deposit my cup nonchalantly.

"can i get that with soap?"

"the customer is always right."

"yeah, that's what i need. a cup of hot, soapy water."

yeah, right. a real master of wit there. i wander off and
don't look back. all i want is to find a nice quiet part of the
store so i can immerse myself in magritte.

on my way there, i pass the customer service desk. leona is
there. it seems she's unhappy about something.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Ok, so I'm ruthlessly exploiting the "Snakes on a Plane" meme for my own purposes, to drive page views and see who shows up here. If I was really organized, I'd be selling t-shirts, or at least banner ads, but I'm not. This is being done out of sociological interest, plus the sheer thrill of seeing the ol' sitemeter ticking over, plus I saw an article about the mini-fad somewhere today and then I caught yesterday's Daily Show, which also had a SoaP reference, plus it turns out that a recent Colbert Report also had a veiled reference that completely escaped me at the time. I hate it when I'm that not up on the current internet fads, even though I'm technically still boycotting pop culture (just so we're all clear on that). It makes me feel old. I'm starting to think that even frivolous and irrelevant things like SoaP now operate on 24 hour news cycles, just like real news stories do.

Oh, also I'm posting this because the creaky old "OMG PONIES" meme is so ten weeks ago. It's done. It's, like, totally paleolithic. And don't even get me started about furry lobsters or silky anteaters. They may be cute-n-cuddly and all, but their 15 minutes are up.

Anyway, the meme-starting blog entry is here, the IMDB page is here, a good shot of the movie poster is here, and and MSM story from the SF Chronicle (with an impressive link farm) is here. I'm sorry, but they can all go on all they want about how this is a leaderless, viral, emergent phenomenon, but I don't believe it for a minute. Hollywood marketers don't make the big bucks for nothing. They know the net's plagued with needy, gullible fanboys who jump on every bandwagon that lumbers by. So long as you let them go on thinking they're being "subversive" and they're in control of the meme, they'll do anything for you, absolutely free. And they'll never admit to anyone, even themselves, that they were had. Remember the Blair Witch Project fad, anyone? Or was that before your time?

I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize in case this post is a little on the loopy side. Allergy season kicked in in earnest late this afternoon, and right now I'm self-medicating with two kinds of generic allergy medicine plus a bit of cheap Cabernet. So really, I'm not 100% responsible for any of this stuff you see here. It's not writing, it's typing

While we're talking about snakes, a blogspammer somehow got past Blogger's "captcha" a couple hours ago. I've heard the spam industry's somehow figured out how to defeat captchas now, but this is the first spammer I've gotten since I turned word verification on. It's an impressive bit of pattern recognition -- someone's come up with an advanced technique and they aren't using their powers for good.

But two can play at that game. The spammer hit my semi-obligatory Christmas '05 post twice in just over an hour,both times shilling for a customized greeting card company. I guess associating Christmas and greeting cards isn't a big stretch, and for all I know the sort of person who buys custom engraved holiday cards just might order them in June. That world is opaque to me.

So I did a quick WHOIS search on the domain the spam was advertising ( personalizedgreetingcards . com ), and here's what it returned:

Domain Services Provided By:

Peter Wilson
2316 E.Sycamore St
Anaheim, CA 92806

Registrar: 000DOM
Created on: 18-SEP-00
Expires on: 18-SEP-06
Last Updated on: 12-JAN-06

Administrative, Technical Contact:

Domain servers in listed order:

The domain info for the "executivegreetingcards" domain is identical. More information from their website:


158 N. Glendora Ave.

Suite T

Glendora, Ca 91741

Tax ID # 33-091655

This Google Map shows that the Sycamore address is a residential address, presumably of this Wilson guy. Now, he may just be the hapless IT guy whose name shows up on the domain registration, and he may have nothing at all to do with this evening's spam. But he's still associated with spammers, so there's a real limit to my sympathy here.

The first "714" phone number maps to:
Executive Greeting Card Co - (714) 533-4560 - Po Box 6108, Anaheim, CA 92816. A November '05 press release of theirs can be found here.

They've also got a big Better Business Bureau graphic on their page, which is a little unusual. That plus the tax ID suggest they're trying to go to extra lengths to convince people they're legit. I'm sorry, but if you spam someone's blog twice in an hour, just because they posted about a major national holiday half a year ago, you are not a legitimate business. Also, I've tried looking them up by the tax ID they've provided and it doesn't seem to be valid.

And yes, I didn't lift a finger to obfuscate either email address, so that any friendly neighborhood spambot that wanders by can parse them easily. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, after all. I'm not a spammer, and the guilty parties won't hear from me directly, but if someone else happens to see those email addresses and then see dollar signs, I can't be responsible for what they choose (of their own free will) to do with that information. It's totally out of my hands at that point.

Updated 7/13/06: Finally, something to knit this post together cohesively. Turns out there is such a thing as a "Snakes on a plane" greeting card. I just got a search hit for someone looking for 'em, and at the moment Google's actually ranking this page higher than the one where the greeting cards are for sale. Go figure. So I thought I'd link to that page, in case anyone else shows up here looking for the same thing. Because you know how I hate to have anyone leave here disappointed. Well, except crazy fundie conservative types.. They can all go to hell, so far as I'm concerned.

More news from here, 6-15-06

  • Bloglines is having issues right now. It's kind of surprising how quickly you come to depend on a service like that being available all the time. My precious RSS feeds are nowhere to be seen. Even this blog's mini-sibling, cyclotram2, is unavailable right now. Last time Blogger was down, I popped over to the other blog and whined about it. So I figure it's only fair to do the same thing now that the reverse situation's occurred. Once the thing comes back up, I think I'll need to use Bloglines' "export as OPML" feature just so I'll have an offline backup around somewhere.
  • I've gotten a lot of search hits in the last couple of days because of a brief reference (towards the end of the post) to a Portuguese celebrity named Merche Romero. I'm not sure why. But she does figure in this juicy British tabloid story. I don't actually care about any of this stuff even a tiny bit, but it seems to be driving page views at the moment, so I may as well milk it while I can. I guess I'm just cynical that way. Here's a photo of Ms. Romero, if you're curious. Probably safe for work.
  • Our Glorious Leader has done an unusual thing, bestowing national monument status on a huge, uninhabited chunk of the Hawaiian Islands. It's one of those things presidents are allowed to do by unilateral executive order, without consulting Congress (which may explain his attraction to the idea). It's worth noting that the R's freaked out when Clinton used this power to create vastly smaller monuments out of unhabited chunks of southwestern desert. But as usual it's ok when Bush does it.
  • Yet another testimonial about why Windows Mobile / PocketPC / Windows CE is teh sux0r. I've had three or four WinCE PDAs dumped on me over the years, by vendors who I guess hoped I'd write some useful code for 'em. I got them all for free, and I still felt I overpaid. They were all useless junk, not worth the rather generous amounts of electricity I lavished on keeping them charged up. The hardware itself is often pretty impressive, but then they stick this nightmarish botch of an OS on top, and the result is always so slow it's practically unusable. It's a sad fact about the tech industry that while Moore's Law gives a fairly good idea of how quickly processor power is likely to increase, there's no equivalent law that places an upper bound on the speed of software bloat. The more money you've got to play with, the faster it happens, and MS has a lot of money.
  • Now that Zarqawi's out of the picture, Congress is finally going to have a "debate" about Iraq. Well, it's actually just a political stunt, like everything else they do anymore. They may complain a lot about Bush usurping their authority with his "signing statements", but their actions suggest they've accepted their new role as a toothless debating society with barely a whimper. I can understand their feelings of relief -- knowing that nothing you do or say matters really takes the pressure off. We already know the end result of this pointless debate: This time it's Congress's turn to haul up the big "Mission Accomplished" sign, and it's bound to work out just as well now as it did the first time around.
  • A NewScientist article about Neptune's family of Trojan asteroids. Only four have actually been found so far, but researchers are estimating there must be a huge number of them out there. More info plus images here.
  • This was probably accidental, but a brand new form of graffiti has been invented. Check out this pic from Google Maps. This area is a fenced-off former industrial site south of downtown Portland, and in all likelihood nobody would've ever seen this if it wasn't for the magic of Google. So I'd just like to say hello and congratulations to the mysterious "GPK". You're way more famous than any of those small-timers who go around tagging dumpsters and abandoned buildings. If Google can see this, the aliens probably can too. Someday maybe they'll probably up at your door looking for an autograph, or maybe a tissue sample, or whatever it is they do.
  • Two referrer pages from folks Blogger sent my way when I posted this baby: Walaykinha and Dysdiadokinesis & Mosaicism. FWIW.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Behold, the Tram Tower!


The angled whitish bit you see in the picture is the lower half of portland's exciting new aerial tram tower. Over the next few weeks it's supposed to get a little over twice as tall as it is now, and then sprout cables from the top some time in August.

Updated 6/22/06: The second segment just went up, and I've got a photo of it here.

Parts of the South Waterfront district are now open for people to go and wander around in, which I did a couple of weeks back. I've been meaning to post some of the photos but (like today's Washington Park post) I just didn't get around to it until now. So here we are. As usual, clicking on any photo will take you to a larger version:

south_waterfront_may30_06_3 south_waterfront_may30_06_1
Two pics of the twin Meriwether condo towers. The whole area's still a construction site, but people are already living in the finished parts of these buildings. The city's promising a public pedestrian walkway next to the river for the full length of the South Waterfront district, sometime in the near future, but that part's still closed off so far. In the second photo you can also see OHSU's new clinic building, and the lower tram station directly in front of it, plus the Zidell Marine barge factory in the foreground. The barge factory is supposed to go away sometime soon, to make way for more condos. This absolutely must happen ASAP, because people who actually make things are icky and non-upscale, and need to be shooed away so they don't alarm the idle rich (and their darling weimaraners). Your tax dollars at work.

south_waterfront_june5_06_1 south_waterfront_may30_06_2
Two photos of OHSU's new clinic building. The early PR led us all to think this was going to be a new advanced research facility, but no, instead it's going to house yoga studios and day spas and such, catering to affluent and otherwise healthy aging boomers. Because that's far more profitable than treating actual sick people, and that's the only thing that matters anymore.

The construction in the right foreground of the first pic is for a new city park spanning two blocks. There used to be a mini storage facility here, until the city decided it ought to be a park instead and forced the existing business out. More of your tax dollars at work.

The John Ross condo tower, which is supposed to top out somewhere over 30 stories when complete. This is the same building you see in the background in the tram tower photo. Yes, even more of your tax dollars at work.

The news from here, 6-14-06

  • Stephen Hawking says we desperately need colonies in space. Pharyngula is not so sure.
  • From NewScientist: A theory about why planetary moons seem to have an upper size limit. Several announcements of new extrasolar planets have noted that they lie in their parent stars' "habitable zones". The hope being that one of these planets just might have a big Earth-sized habitable moon or two. That may be impossible under the new theory.
  • One of the great things about the blog world is that one gets a window into the lives of people in circumstances utterly different than one's own. Here are two blogs by women from the Philippines who work in the Persian Gulf region.
  • This blog recounts the ongoing story of a large number of cats rescued from homeless camps in the Corvallis/Albany OR area.
  • Worldwide Pablo has the first post about Portland's shiny new tram tower. I would've thought Jack Bog would've had something unkind to say about it by now. Maybe he's waiting until they've got the whole thing installed, I dunno. I took some pics of it myself this morning, and I'll try to post them later on, if I get around to it.
  • A fun little bit of Python bashing. The language, not the snake. Bashing snakes would be cruel. Unless by "bash" you mean the shell, not the violent act. And if you do mean bash=shell and python=snake, you end up with a sentence that just makes no sense at all.
  • A good post at pdxleft about our Glorious Leader's recent heroic photo op in Baghdad.
  • The food fascists are now suing KFC. Gee, and all this time I thought KFC served healthy non-fattening fare, because if there are 3 words in the English language that I most strongly associate with healthiness, they'd have to be "chicken", "fried" and "Kentucky". (Note for the irony-impaired... oh, forget it, never mind...) Crap like this makes me want to run out and buy one of those "cheesy chicken bowls" they've been advertising lately. You know, the one with a big bowl of mashed potatoes, fried chicken strips, gravy, corn, and a layer of cheese on top. Who the hell are these people, anyway? Here's a great article about the clowns at CSPI, from the libertarian mag Reason. I'm generally not a libertarian on the economic side of things, but eating whatever you want without Beltway control freaks lecturing you about it is an issue of basic personal freedom. Especially since the food police also moonlight as the beer police. Grrrr!!!!!
  • FOX News manages to be "Fair and Balanced" for once. Seems the Fred Phelps cultists are so nutty even Rupert Murdoch won't touch 'em.
  • In sad news, Roseburg's Hawks Brewing is ceasing operations, at least for the time being. You can't really understand what an unfortunate turn of events this is unless you've tried their beer. The ESB can't be improved upon. Look for the beer with the boring-est logo.
  • At least the historic Yerkes Observatory isn't going to fall into the clutches of greedy developers.
  • Referrer pages of the two folks Blogger sent my way when I first posted this thing: Transglobal Permutations, an interesting blog from Spain with lots of pictures, and Really Nothing To Say, which is just a bunch of empty posts. It bills itself as the silliest blog on the planet, which I think is a bit debatable.
  • And then, three more visitors from when I added the previous item, arriving here from: Why Aren't I Famous, a blog mostly about hip hop music and culture; Disneyland2006, photos of someone's trip to Disneyland; and, which I haven't visited but the URL suggests it's probably not safe for work. So there you have it. Let's see if anyone new shows up here this time when I repost this baby...

Washington Park

[View Larger Map]

KGW's reporting that under a new plan, the area around the Washington Park reservoirs will soon be open to the public during daylight hours, similar to the longstanding arrangement at Mount Tabor. This is about the most unexpected news I've heard in a while, but the logic of the plan actually makes sense. The decades-old chain link fence around the reservoir area doesn't really do anything to secure the area against actual, determined evildoers. Letting the general public into the area means you've got a lot of eyes and ears there. The city could never afford to hire an equivalent number of security guards. After all, this is Portland -- we love our reservoirs here, and people will call 911 if they see anyone trying to mess with them.

I recently walked around the park a bit and took a few photos of the area, figuring there was a blog post in it. Then I got busy with RL work and didn't get around to writing the post until now. I was originally going to write about how it was a real shame the reservoir area's closed to the public, and how it didn't make sense considering the Mt. Tabor reservoirs are open. I was also going to say that opening the area would be the absolute last thing I could see happening, in the current climate. I sure wish I could stop being wrong about stuff all the time.

Updated: Here's the city's official press release about the reservoirs. Seems the local media didn't get the facts quite right: The Hazelwood, Texas, and Vernon Tanks mentioned in the KGW article aren't names for the Washington Park reservoirs, they're other Water Bureau facilities that will also permit public access in the future. Looks like this change has been in the works for a while now for these other locations, but it was all happening under the radar until the Washington Park reservoirs joined the list.

Updated II: The Water Bureau would like to set the record straight: The existing fences are staying up, it's just that the gates will be open during daylight hours so the public can visit the area. If I'm reading this right, they're also only doing this for the upper reservoir, at least for the time being.

This is a smart approach -- there'll still be controlled access to the area, with a limited number of ways in and out, and they can shoo everyone out in the evening. I just wish the fence wasn't so ugly, though. It doesn't fit the character of the park at all. I think a wrought iron fence similar to what's around the reservoir itself would look pretty good, if they can spare the cash at some point.

Anyway, here are a few more photos from around the park. I was originally just going to mention the reservoirs in passing, and I was more interested in the odd, neglected areas in the lower portion of the park.

(I was originally also going to remark about all the nonnative English ivy that covers the park, but it turns out the water bureau's already started tearing it out, so maybe I don't need to complain about that after all.)


This fountain doesn't really count as neglected, since it's right next to the main road and everyone sees it as they drive past. Seen from a distance, you tend to shrug and write it off as yet another fusty old Victorian-era fountain. To really appreciate it, you need to get close to it, and stop, and listen the the water dripping and pinging off of it. It's sometimes called the Chiming Fountain, if that gives you any idea. Other fountains in town are bigger, more famous, and vastly more complex, but this my candidate for the most soothing one in town. Well, except when a bus rumbles by behind you, but hey, we're in the middle of a big city, and you can't have everything.


These winding stairs are part of the multitude of weird pathways that meander down the forested hillside between the reservoirs and the vicinity of Burnside & NW 23rd. Despite connecting two rather popular areas, this stretch is usually pretty empty of people, and the surrounding hillsides block out most city noises. You see nothing but trees, and hear nothing but birds. It's great.

Rumor has it that once you reach the top of these stairs, there's a long, dark tunnel, with a gigantic hungry spider living inside of it. This rumor is untrue, so far as I know.


This is the main path through the same area. City noises are blocked out so well here because this part of the park sits in a sort of mini-canyon. It appears that this path lies directly on top of the stream that drains the area. You'd never get away with building something like this today, and the environmentally correct thing would be to rip this thing out, daylight the stream, and restore the area to a more natural state. Although you'd still be draining into a pipe at the downstream end, so I'm not sure how much good it would really do.


This is not technically part of the park, but it's nearby, and dates to about the same era. This is a detail from the north end of the Vista Avenue Viaduct. This could be a good, ahem, jumping-off point for the usual "they don't build 'em like they used to" discussion, but that's not why this photo's here. What I've always wondered about is the curved concrete bench on the right side of the picture. There's a similar one on the other side of the street, and I think on the other side of the bridge as well. I've never seen anyone sit here, and I'm a little confused as to the designers' intent. Is this something people used to enjoy back in 1925? Sit there and watch Model T's chug their way up the hill and over the bridge? Or maybe it's supposed to be purely ornamental, and actually sitting there would be incredibly ignorant and gauche. Sort of like trying to bite into the fake food in the window of a Japanese restaurant, or something. Who knows?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mostly not about 2002 JF56

Well, today's the big day. The New Horizons probe will zip past the dinky asteroid 2002 JF56 today, on its way to Pluto. We aren't going to get any pretty pictures, though, since the asteroid's too small and far away for that. If they get more than 2 pixels worth of asteroid, it'll be a big surprise. The whole exercise is really just an engineering test, a practice run for later. Oh, well. So really, when I said today was the big day, I was kind of exaggerating for dramatic effect.

Updated: The first asteroid pics are out, and I've got 'em here.

And with that, I've completely run out of asteroid-related material. Here are a few other fun tidbits I've come across:

  • Researchers have discovered a new species of fly in a forest in Scotland. Let's all say hi to Ectaetia christii. That last link is just a reference to the researchers' original paper, and not to the paper itself, because it doesn't seem to be online anywhere. This may be because the paper dates back to 1997. The media's presenting it like it's a brand new species, but it isn't. The actual story: the fly isn't new, but it appears in a comprehensive new book about the area, titled The Nature of the Cairngorms: Diversity in a Changing Environment. To be fair, the BBC story does mention the 1997 discovery a few paragraphs in, but the headline is "New mountain species discovered", not "New Cairngorms books is released". And to be fair, it's standard Old Media practice to have someone else write the headlines, so the article's author probably isn't to blame. But still. If the BBC can flub something like this,
  • Apostropher suggests a simple way to defeat government surveillance. The graphic is kind of funny, and I'd use it here except that it doesn't have anything to do with asteroids, which is what this post is supposedly still about, except that I ran out of material.
  • A new Pew Research survey shows the rest the world doesn't like us very much. Even less than they did last year, believe it or not. Here's a previous Pew article trying to explore the reasons behind this, based on actual survey results, not just the usual ideology-driven vapid opinions.
  • A Slashdot thread about whether native compiled code is becoming a thing of the past. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I grind out C++ for a living, with occasional forays into Java, and in the past I've held the usual C++ prejudice against interpreted languages. I always said they're too slow and lack crucial features, and the only people who use 'em are effete web designers and toolbelt-wearing IT monkeys, neither of whom count as Real Engineers. I figured web designers were basically marketing folks at heart, and working in IT is one step away from the mailroom or the company motor pool. Now I'm not so sure about all that. I've been playing around with Ruby lately and it's awfully schweet. Even lowly old JavaScript has more power than I thought, if Google Maps is any indication. Heck, for that matter take small stuff like the collapsing tree stuff I recently added to my right sidebar here. This isn't the first time I've messed around with tree views. In a previous job, we pulled off the same trick by writing an ActiveX control, I kid you not. There was some VBScript and ASP glue involved too, but we tried to do as much of the work as possible in C++, because we felt it was the Right Approach. Don't worry. I've completely repented of all that MS stuff now. You won't be seeing any ActiveX controls, VBScript, or .NET stuff here anytime soon. Compiled code isn't going away, certainly, but I'm starting to think its use will be increasingly restricted to certain esoteric specialties: Kernel coding, embedded applications, device drivers, stuff like that, similar to what happened with assembly coding many moons ago.

    Ironically, at that same former employer, our web designers at one point cooked up a fancy "desktop look", as a blatant copy of I thought the whole thing was a crazy idea at the time, I mean, who wants a web page with 5000 lines of JavaScript? It drove dialup users absolutely batty, and it was abandoned after a scant couple of weeks or so. Now I'm starting to think that in some ways they were just ahead of their time. Let's not revise history too much, though; it was a really poor effort, ill-conceived and badly executed, and it would be considered just as awful now as it was then. But at the time I thought the whole idea was an evolutionary dead end, and I was wrong about that part.
  • Ok, ok, I didn't get around to posting about the Stanley Cup Finals last night like I sort of promised I'd try to do. I did catch the last part of the game, just enough to see Carolina win and go up 3-1 in the series. Oh, well. We don't have an NHL team of our own here in Portland, so I don't have a permanent favorite team. I'll follow a team for a while if I like the way they play the game, or if they have a player I like, usually a goalie. When the playoffs start up, we each pick a team to root for. This year I picked Buffalo, and my wife picked Edmonton. We were kind of hoping they'd meet in the finals, but it was not to be. Last time around, we both picked Tampa, and they actually won, which is quite unusual for us. Usually we pick underdogs, and it turns out that underdogs are called that for a reason, most of the time. Anyway, the big attraction with Edmonton was watching Dwayne Roloson at work, and now that he's injured, we've both lost a lot of interest in the series. It's been an oddly lackluster series anyway. I can't put my finger on it.

    The first hockey game either of us saw was the last game of the cup finals 10 years ago, when Colorado beat Florida for the cup. This was the famous triple overtime goalie duel between Patrick Roy and John van Biesbrouck, and we just sat there with our mouths open the whole time, amazed by the whole thing. We've been hooked ever since.
  • I'm not a bicycle nut. I don't have anything nice to say about Critical Mass, and I roll my eyes at the whole bicycle culture thing we supposedly have here. Be that as it may, this is just a great, great story, if a stereotypically male one. If they were doing this in cars instead, someone would probably be dead or in jail by now.
  • I also usually roll my eyes at hardcore audio geeks, but this turntable is just cool. Mostly because it uses a Mars rover moter. Why? What do you mean, "Why"? In the world of high-end audio, there is no "Why".
  • Wouldn't it be great to have a mom who grows hops? Mmmm... hops...
  • Today's entry in the "WTF were they thinking???" department: Three lists of the ugliest cars ever. And more opinions.
  • And finally, after a bunch of unrelated items, we're back at asteroids. Here's NASA's page about their Asteroid Radar Research program. It's a well-kept secret, I guess because there aren't any rockets involved, and there's very little congressional pork to be had. I've been checking this occasionally for a number of years now. They used to post images on the site as soon as they came in, but they don't anymore. I'm not sure why, but they're probably just trying to keep a lid on prepublication data or something. Still, they've gone in the opposite direction as their colleagues at the Cassini and Mars Rover projects, who post raw images on the net on a near-daily basis. Oh, well. They're just asteroids, after all, so it's not the end of the world, except when it is.

Updated: For a while now I've been meaning to do a braindump of my Firefox bookmarks about beer. So here they are. I haven't gone back and verified that all the links are alive at the moment, so your mileage may vary. Enjoy (or whatever):

News & Reviews

Celebrator Beer News : November/December 2004
The Northwest BrewPage
Oregon Brewers Guild
Michael Jackson's Beer Hunter
All About Beer An Online Resource Serving The Beer Industry
Opinionated Beer Page Home - beer reviews with a punch
Master Brewers Association of the Americas
My Life Is Beer!
Wesi's Beer World: Beer ratings for brews from Switzerland, United States, Mexico and England
Stephen Beaumont's World of Beer
The Brew Site: It's all about the beer


Home Brew Digest
BrewingTechniques Online
Home Distillation of Alcohol
Gluten Free Brewing Grains...Good, Bad and Otherwise
Mark Brooks (Norway)
Yeast -
Cindy Renfrow - Culinary & Brewing History Links
fermented foods
Rye-bread Kvass - Brot-Kwass
Herstellung von Kwas
web-Tariff No2.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Beer Manifesto - Beer Style Sheet
Your Free Beer Art History Online Reference and Guide
Beer Details, Meaning Beer Article and Explanation Guide
Bierbƃ¶rse - Types of Beer
Beer World - Greece


Fermented Red Rice (Ang Kak) and Monascus pupureus. Chronological.
Article_Michalova_buckwheat.pdf (application/pdf Object)
BYO - Could you please cover the major types and strains of barley used in brewing?
Major Acids in Some Food Materials.PDF (application/pdf Object)
Fresh Patents-Method for producing ethanol using raw starch patent apps
ET 9/98: Yeast rises to a new occasion
Molecular Analysis of Maltotriose Transport and Utilization by Saccharomycescerevisiae -- Day et al. 68 (11): 5326 -- Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Introduction to Carbohydrates
Winemaking: Strains of Wine Yeast
Corrosion by Beer


Consolidated Beverages - Supplier of quality malt to brew pubs and microbreweries -- The Source for Making Beer
- Beer Making Kits, Wine Making Kits and Supplies
Global Beer Network
Destila v
CABRI: Yeasts
Madeira Wine, Fine Wines Online !! Taylor & Norton
The Ultimate Beer and Brewery Resource: What Ales You - Find any book on beer!
Virginia's Most Complete Home Wine & Beer Supply
Beer Necessities


Indiana Beer - Beer News, Calendar, Beers, Brewpubs, Bars, Liquor Stores.
Michigan Beer Guide, The Guide To Craft Brewed Beer in Michigan
Real Beer New Zealand :: Home
Benelux beerguide: Beer styles - alphabetical overview
SNAFU ( S. Nevada)
French Brewpubs, brasserie et biƃ¨re artisanale

Monday, June 12, 2006

Not, not, NOT posting from Vegas.

I'm getting really sick of one blog after another blabbing on about the big YearlyKos convention/party in Las Vegas. I'm not there. I don't know if invites were required or not, but nobody invited me, and I wouldn't have gone anyway. I guess I've never been much of a joiner. You may or may not have noticed that I almost never use the term "we" when talking about Democrats, even though I'm registered as one. This wasn't a conscious decision; it just never occurred to me to think of myself in the same boat as, say, members of congress, or beltway consultants, or similar organisms.

I think everyone was there except me. And not just the usual political blog suspects, no, I'm seeing YK posts from science and tech blogs as well. Apparently all the cool kids were there.

I think I would've been bored to tears, at least when I wasn't gagging on all the mutual amiration and craven sucking up to power. I'm sure I ought to care a great deal about the day-to-day wonkage over senate races six states away, but mostly I don't. Reading about polls and spin and positioning is at best mind-numbing, and often it's a cause for despair, even when the "good guys" win. Somebody's got to do this stuff, I guess, or at least somebody thinks it needs doing, and they want to do it. I'm just glad it isn't my job.

Also, I'm kind of antisocial in RL, and I'm usually not too keen on meeting new people in person, especially in bulk. That's just the way I am. If I somehow did get dragged to a YK-style event, I just know I'd end up sulking in a dark corner, nursing a stiff drink, while the rest of the room went all starry-googly-eyed over some random governor with expensive hair. I'd much rather observe than participate, and I'd really like to do it from behind a two-way mirror, if at all possible, and with the participants hooked up to monitoring equipment of some kind. Did I mention I have a social science degree? One effect of a social science degree is that you get really leery and disdainful of crowd behavior, and you don't want to be a part of it yourself. I should note I also don't go to mass demonstrations. I don't join antiwar marches even though I'm deeply opposed to the war. The whole thing with clapping or chanting slogans in unison just repels me. I'm just never up for doing that, unless maybe I'm at a hockey game.

And to top it all off, gambling is of no interest to me, so there wouldn't even be that as a distraction.

It's always iffy to place any weight on anything the Old Media says about blogs, but the Guardian is usually less brainless than US-based media. Here's their take on the big YK party.

Salon takes on the shindig as well, with a piece titled "How much is that blogger in the window".

And for a little perspective, here's one of several posts at SocraticGadfly about diarists getting exiled from the DailyKos media empire for not toeing the party line. I frankly don't get the whole notion of having a diary on someone else's site. To me, the whole point of writing on the net is that you get to toss your ideas out into the world, for good or ill, unedited and unmediated by anyone else. Don't get me wrong, I like page views as least as much as the next blogger. But given a choice between saying whatever's on my mind to a smallish audience, or mouthing a focus-group-approved subset of what may or may not be on my mind to a large audience, I'll stick with my current merry little band of Gentle Reader(s), thank you very much. I wuv you guys-n-gals.

In that spirit, the rest of this post (after the big HR tag) has nothing whatsoever to do with political blog navelgazing, and even less to do with the '06 midterm election.

  • An article about the mythical "hafnium bomb" and other tales from the lunatic fringe of defense technology.
  • The tale of a tiny near-Earth asteroid, and the odd counterintuitive tricks gravity pulls sometimes.
  • Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals is tonight. I haven't gotten that worked up over the playoffs this year, but I probably ought to put together at least one all-hockey post before someone wins the cup. It's on my to-do list, so maybe I'll do it after the game tonight. Now that Roloson's injured, the whole series just isn't as interesting. Go Oilers, I guess.
  • Incontrovertible video proof that George Washington was a real American superhero.
  • Is this blog boring you? You might enjoy it more after it's been run through Gizoogle.
  • An interactive beer map of the greater Portland area, which just happens to be centered at the true center of the known universe, a.k.a. Tugboat Brewing.
  • I may have to make an exception to my usual anti-meetup policy, you know, the one I was just talking about earlier. Seems there's a local beer bloggin' shindig in the works, in connnection with the big Oregon Brewers' Festival next month. I don't know if I technically count as a beer blogger or not. I'd just describe myself as a general blogger who's inordinately fond of beer. But they don't seem like the sort of people who stand on ceremony. We'll see.
  • And finally, a beer item that's also a coffee item. Seems that you can protect yourself from the health effects of too much beer by also drinking too much coffee. Yay for science! If you plan on drinking a lot of coffee, and you live in the area, permit me to recommend the coffee from Blue Gardenia, my current favorite. In the last six months or so I've really soured on dark roasted beans. I don't care what Starbucks and Peets and their imitators all say; if it tastes burnt, it's burnt. It's a cheap, blunt-instrument way of introducing flavor, sort of like oak in chardonnay. I'd almost call it cheating, since you don't need to start out with good beans. There's really no reason to start with good beans, if you can't taste them in the finished product. The coffee industry (and Starbucks in particular) has promoted the notion that the darker beans are, the stronger and more sophisticated the coffee is, which is silly. Starbucks even has this spiel about how you're supposed to start out with lighter roasts and graduate to the dark stuff, like sort of like training wheels or something. It's pretty similar to what people thought about Guinness and other stouts in about 1985 or so. The beer world moved past that thinking long ago, and maybe the coffee world's starting to do so now as well.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

On Neocons

[ This was supposed to be a big grand post where I figured out the neocons once and for all, or at least tossed around a few ideas about what they might be up to. That's quite an ambitious undertaking, and I never really finished this post. It starts out with complete paragraphs and devolves into incomplete notes, and eventually just sort of peters out. It's been sitting around as a draft post for about a month now, and I don't feel like adding to it at the moment, so I figure I might as well just post it as-is, since it's either that or delete it. Maybe I'll come back and polish it up later, or maybe I'll just post a new followup later on, depending on how I feel. 7/13/06.]

This is yet another in my ongoing series of posts trying to get a handle on neocons, what makes them tick, and how they've managed to keep their scaly hands on the levers of power despite the Iraq fiasco. I don't have a particular thesis here, exactly, other than that neocons are a malignant force in our society and they need to be stopped.

To start off, here's an alarming article I came across yesterday that examines "Straussism", the ideas of Leo Strauss, the neocons' founder and patron saint. There's more to present-day neoconservatism than the founder's ideas, so this is only part of the picture, but it's an important part.

Two of the traits the article mentions are things I'd noticed before:

  • Just about every international disagreement is presented as a choice between war (hot or cold) or Munich-style unconditional surrender to an implacable foe. It goes well beyond the Mideast, although the current focus is there because they make such fantastic moustache-twirling melodrama villains. But neocons see the rest of the world the same way. Cheney's busy trying to restart a cold war with Russia, and Bush is already accusing the new president of Bolivia of being antidemocratic. Here's a story I came across yesterday about the administration's ongoing foreign policy bungling in Latin America. Over a few short years, they turned nearly every government in the region against us. This would be front page news if it happened somewhere that the public cares more about.

    I think in the end they'd rather make enemies than allies. It confirms their paranoid view of the world, and it's a way of drumming up future business (i.e. war).

  • Another interesting point is that neocons aren't trying to convert the public and convince everyone to be a neocon. As the first article noted, there's one ideology for the leaders, and another for the rabble. The vast majority of the population, in the neocons' eyes, is only useful as cannon fodder in our perpetual war against just about everyone else. Apocalyptic Christian fundamentalism serves this purpose admirably. Just so long as the elite isn't required to join the peons' church, or abide by the peons' rules or morality, anyway. That would go against the natural order of things.

  • It occurs to me that the neocons isolating the US from our allies was a deliberate strategy, not a misstep. Trying to recreate (perceived) Israeli situation: surrounded by hostile powers, with almost no friends, militant, siege mentality. An article I can't find anymore compared neocons relationship to the country as a domestic abuser to victim.

  • These guys are a deeply strange bunch of people. Trotskyites, even ex-Trotskyites, are an exotic species, far outside the usual range of US politics. Others abandoning all of liberalism over 60's chaos. Still fighting over the 60's now -- pathetic.

  • Curious mix of naivete and cynicism. Playing Risk with the world.

  • Example: Ledeen - optimism that Iran revolution is just around corner, we'll be greeted as liberators, etc. Saying this for years.

  • Example: Wolfowitz - childish dream of empires; creepy conservative love of Roman Empire; see Holland's Rubicon book. I was basically a neocon at age 12 or so, listening to Reagan blather on. Maps, history books, etc., easy to get sucked in, but easy to outgrow, too. Essentially a childish impulse.

  • Example: Kristol - Iraq a minor speed bump on road to Iran war. Neocons don't believe in feedback. Don't learn from mistakes, ignore them. How people react to your behavior doesn't matter, no chance your actions will anger anyone, there's no downside to making enemies and losing friends. Can't imagine why anyone would disagree with their ideas, so simply dismiss other opinions. Double or nothing, "flight forward". Not just right by definition, but successful by definition.

  • Egotism, refusal to acknowledge any faults or mistakes, because they aren't part of the Plan.

  • Hubris, something the classicist twits (VD Hanson) ought to have heard of once or twice.

  • Example: Jay Garner - Noticed was wearing one of those magnetic bracelets on TV one time. Belief in faith/magic. Leave in 30/60/90 days, hand keys to Chalabi & go home. Why didn't that happen? Bad plan, but there was no plan B.

  • New Iraqi flag, flat tax, neocons experimenting on Iraq. Vs. "aggressive nationalists" (cheney, rummy) who don't care what happens to the place, so long as we win.

"Wilsonism" and liberals - Somalia (GHWB started it, not Clinton), Haiti, Bosnia/Kosovo, Darfur. We should be more skeptical, don't be a tool in the hands of the warmongers. We aren't omnipotent. What could we have actually done about Rwanda? Or Somalia?
(what can we learn from the paleocons?) - healthy skepticism about whether it's any of our business, and whether we can really change "those people".

About that Zarqawi guy

I've fallen behind on my blogging duties. Zarqawi got bumped off nearly a week ago, and I haven't chimed in about it yet. So I guess this is a little overdue, especially since I've been posting about Iraq on a fairly regular basis. So a few quick thoughts about his demise:

  • As a card-carrying member of the liberal blogosphere, I think this is a great development. By now you've probably heard from a lot of loudmouth conservatives who insist that liberals are sad to see Zarqawi go. They're lying.
  • I'll try to be charitable and just chalk their rhetoric up to them grasping at straws, hoping that this somehow vindicates them in going to war in the first place. Bzzt, wrong. It was still a stupid idea.
  • Saying it was a terrible idea is not the same thing as wanting to lose. That's just crazy talk. Winning would be great, however you want to define that. Just so long as it means we get to go home. A peaceful, democratic Iraq would sure be nice, too, if that's really what the locals there want. It's just that I'm not an optimist.
  • I'm not being contrary or defeatist here. It's just that our current leaders don't inspire a lot of confidence. I don't think Bush, or Rummy, or any of their underlings have a clue about what the insurgency is all about. I've seen it remarked on several times that if you work in this administration, learning Arabic is career suicide. The thinking, apparently, is that if you can read the local newspaper anywhere in the Mideast, you'll hear the siren song of Islamic fundamentalism and "go native", therefore you can't be trusted. That's... remarkable.
  • This may sound a little glib, but any time the world loses a homicidal religious fanatic, of any religion, it's a great day for the human race.
  • Media accounts about Zarqawi's death have cautioned that he had nothing at all to do with large segments of the insurgent population, and we're given a laundry list: ex-Baathists, other Sunni fundamentalists, nationalists, and so forth. Nobody really talks about the "nationalist" category much, or explains what that means, because we'd much rather believe this is all the doing of a few charismatic Bad Guys (Saddam, Osama, Zarqawi, etc.). The really scary prospect is that of ordinary people who simply don't like having a foreign army occupying their country. We don't seem to have done a very good job convincing these people that we're the good guys. Announcing the fact repeatedly on Fox News doesn't really help in this regard.
  • "Nationalist" insurgents are scary, too, because their reasoning isn't utterly alien in the same way that being a Baathist or an Al Qaeda member is. If a foreign army invaded and took over your country, and killed your friends and neighbors at will, and treated you like dirt, and didn't speak your language or respect your culture, what would you do? No, don't get mad at me for asking the question. Seriously, what would you do?
  • You hear some debate about whether the insurgency is mostly local, or mostly "foreign fighters". I gather the party line leans toward foreign fighters and not locals, but if that's true, the logical course of action would be to try to stem the flow of angry young Wahhabi fundies into the country, and we really haven't seen that. We've gotten some occasional criticism of Syria, since some people in Neoconland would like Syria to be the next war, but when was the last time anyone publicly criticized Saudi Arabia? They can't all be sneaking in from Syria, especially the ones who turn out to be Saudis.
  • And let's not forget that the anti-Shia rhetoric Zarqawi was spouting wouldn't be out of place in a Saudi classroom. Shiites are regularly attacked in Iraq and Pakistan, and discriminated against in Saudi Arabia itself, and let's not forget the Lebanese civil war. A concerted campaign like this doesn't simply appear out of nowhere with nobody backing it, and no money behind it. I'm not saying this in the neocon sense, where foreign involvement means you need to start bombing all the surrounding countries.
  • As I said, I'm trying to be charitable about conservatives and the reasons why they're trying to use Zarqawi to attack their domestic opponents. There seems to be a notion that anyone at all different from them is an enemy and can't be trusted. If you're not a far-right megachurch fundie, you must be a traitor, plus you're going to hell, too. That's is the only reason I can see for the ongoing Pentagon/NSA surveillance push: Nearly everyone is a potential (or probable) evildoer, so they need to know all phone calls, all website visits, every credit card purchase, and on and on, sort of the modern day version of commies hiding under every bed. There is such a thing as being too paranoid, and "better safe than sorry" isn't always true. Gathering all this information would be pointless unless you intend to act on it at some point, and in the current administration the info will be in the hands of people who see "enemies" everywhere, nearly all of whom are not real enemies.
  • Meanwhile, in other Mideast news, say hi to "Maskiot", the newest Israeli settlement on the West Bank. Somehow we're supposed to achieve a just and lasting peace across the middle east while ignoring blatant, illegal land grabs like this. Apparently we can't say, wait, that's wrong, stop it right this minute. But it's perfectly fine to engage in an endless series of wars to subjugate anyone in the region who might object.
  • Take Iran, for example. Our glorious leaders have reached the bitter bureaucratic infighting phase over a possible war against Iran. Early this week we got the surprising news that we would now consider talking to Iran and even offering them incentives over the nuclear issue. Word is this was Condi's idea, and crazy ol' John Bolton is already trying to sink the idea.
  • That last link goes on to talk about Leo Strauss and the neocon philosophy. I've got an unfinished post about that topic that I may have to finish up and post as sort of a followup to this post. The more you look at these guys, the weirder and scarier (and less "conservative") they are.

Friday, June 09, 2006

2666: A Mildly Belated Milestone

So I'd like to bid a hearty welcome to visitor #2666, who arrived here a mere 3 days too late for the big 6/6/06 festivities. I think I forgot to mention that I was trying to run through the Seven Deadly Sins on the 6th, trying to complete the set within 24 hours. Quite an oversight; it was probably the Sloth part acting up. Sloth was pretty easy, really. As for the others:

Well, for lunch I wandered up the the Rogue brewpub and had a large Kobe beef burger smothered in bleu cheese and bacon, with fries, and a couple of beers. I could have picked out something even more expensive, but a Rogue burger was exactly what I wanted at the time, so that's what I did. As a bonus, there was no small amount of Sloth afterwards. And if we're going to read the Old Testament literally -- which is official government policy these days, so we'd better if we know what's good for us -- I seem to recall some prohibitions on eating pork, and on serving meat with dairy products. So I get a little extra credit for that, since I'm the one awarding the points here.

While I was walking to work in the morning, I couldn't help but notice a beautiful white Porsche 356 parked by the curb, and almost blundered out into traffic while I was staring at it. I wasn't feeing especially resentful towards the car's owner the way I would've if it'd been any other sort of Porsche. You know, slimy lawyer, trophy wife, coke habit, bad combover, etcetera. But there was still that lingering feeling that someone had lucked out, and it wasn't me, and the universe was terribly unfair. I didn't vandalize the car, and I didn't hang around the vehicle until the owner returned and lecture him (or her) about global warming, the way some Portlanders would. But I think this still probably counts as envy, of a sort.

On my 6/6 post, I did mention something about buying a pile of heavy metal CDs for the occasion, even though I'm not the world's hugest metal fan. I didn't originally plan to buy five CDs, but the "aww, just one more" impulse kept kicking in, which is textbook greed for ya. In this day and age, it seems decadent to buy music on physical media, and buying a whole CD when you haven't heard all the songs on it now seems risky and extravagant. I mention this part because it seems to me that it's somehow more "sinful" to be greedy like this over an idle impulse buy than it is over something you know you'll treasure forever. Maybe this is gluttony, not greed, I dunno. I was never 100% clear on the distinction here. But either way, I get extra points here too, because of the heavy metal and all.

I'm not an especially wrathful person most of the time, but there was a little incident on the 6th that let me check this one off. It may have been a pure coincidence, but on that day this humble blog got a visitor from SCO's UK office. I mean, it can't possibly be a day devoted to ultimate evil unless SCO's involved somehow. This person must've read a post of mine over at the Yahoo! SCOX board, clicked on my profile to try to learn more about me, and found the link to this blog from there. That kind of pissed me off, so I immediately posted to the SCOX board again, reporting the incident and saying I was thinking about posting some porn here in hopes of getting this person fired for visiting that sort of website on company time. I didn't actually do it, because this is not that sort of website, but it was fun to think about. And it was certainly fun to imagine scaring the snot out of one of Darl McBride's lesser minions.

Did I mention this is not that sort of website? Well, it isn't. Because I said so. Also, there's such a thing as too much sharing, despite what the kids on MySpace might lead you to believe. Especially when the flaming eye of Ft. Meade is watching.

Well, duh, I mean, anybody with a personal blog is guilty of this to some extent. Unless you think your random notions deserve a global audience, why bother? In one 6/6 post on the aforementioned Y! board, I encouraged people to visit here so I could hit 2666 visitors on the 6th. That would've been kind of cool, no doubt about that, but there's also an obvious element of vanity and neediness. I mean, there's no reason to really care about that kind of thing, one way or the other, is there? But it's really hard not to. I freely admit that. And when I finally did hit the magic number, the hit came from a newly added link to this blog. So there. Ha. I still win. Yay for me. Oh, and I just got my first visitor from Luxembourg (that I know of), which is something. So I guess you can either feel bad about feeling good, or you can embrace it. Maybe it's time someone founded a "pride pride" movement, slogan "I'm proud, and I'm proud".

Even More Sloth
Ok, for the sake of completeness, I probably could've worked harder at the office than I did, and I could've gotten to work a bit earlier, and answered emails more promptly. I mean, if I'd wanted to. But it wasn't my fault -- the Man was making me work on a holiday, after all.

For a better treatment of the subject, you might enjoy Dan Savage's book Skipping Towards Gomorrah, in which he sets out to, yes, commit all seven deadly sins, with an entire chapter devoted to each. Chock full of fundie-bashing, highly entertaining, and highly recommended.

If you really want to see serious wrath and envy in action, you can't go wrong with the blog Merche The Reject, which I stumbled across as yet another of those "Next Blog" Blogspot referrer pages. The whole blog is devoted to bashing a Portuguese celebrity named Merche Romero. I have no idea what Ms. Romero did to incur this kind of anger, but clearly either she, or the blog's author, has a lot to answer for, and I'm not sure which of the two it is. It's also clear that by comparison I'm a total 3rd-rate piker in the wrath and envy department, which is fine, really.

Some Flowers, Etc.


A user comment (below) asserts this is a Rose of Sharon, I think specifically the Hypericum calycinum variety. Whatever it is, there are quite a few of them growing wild, or semi-wild, in Portland's Washington Park, down near the lower reservoir.


Meyer lemon blossoms.


A vinca (a.k.a. periwinkle). I actually didn't realize they were the same thing until just now. This one is from somewhere along SW Lincoln, I think.


A yellow iris at the corner of one of the Plaza Blocks, downtown.

Ok, so I'm trying to recreate a post Blogger ate yesterday. Seems like when I get a rare bit of free time to write anything here, Blogger goes down for "maintenance" yet again. I've actually got a whole list of topics written down, but I'd like to get this one out of the way first. I'm just stubborn that way.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Outage Outrage

Ok, this is the second day in a row that Blogger's been flaking out with technical difficulties. Snarl! This time it lost a very nice post I was working on, with flowers and everything. Not good, guys.

But my purpose here isn't to complain. Honest. It's to see if posting by email works any better than normal posting right now. So if you don't see this post, let me know and I'll complain to Management about it.

<B>updated:</B> ok, this message has bounced twice now. Blogspot withdrawal! Angry fist!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Today's Template Tweakage

I've tweaked the blog template so that sections within the Links sidebar now expand and collapse, using some bits of CSS and JavaScript based on stuff I scrounged up from somewhere on the net. It's called code reuse. It's a great, time-honored engineering practice, dammit.

Unfortunately you still have to edit the whole blog damn template whenever you want to add or remove anything from the links section, which is tres silly. That may be tougher to solve. We'll see...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

666: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

C'mon, you didn't really think I'd get through today without posting about today's date, didja? With a nym like mine, it just wouldn't be right to neglect the, uh, blessed occasion. Even if the nym's origins were sort of pseudorandom at first (see the link on my profile if you care.)

The fun word in this post's title is simply the fear of the number 666, as noted here. And some people really are afraid of it. If you take all that Revelations crap literally, it's just supposed to be the number of the beast, which is the number of a man, or something. It's not 100% clear what this means, since we're reading some random person's 2000 year old, multiply (and poorly) translated, fictional, bipolar blatherings. But the verse in question didn't say anything about the date being accursed, or tell believers to panic if something rings up as $6.66 at the grocery store. But people do anyway, because they're superstitious, poorly educated, ignorant, gullible, and stupid.

One possibility that's occurred to me is that the number just refers to the Romans generally. Roman numerals would've seemed weird and alien to the locals in Judaea at the time, so using them to represent the Romans themselves isn't a big stretch, sort of like how the French sometimes call the English "rosbifs" (roast beefs) due to their, um, distinctive eating habits. 666 in Roman numerals is DCLXVI, which uses each numeral symbol once, other than M. I've never seen this discussed anywhere, probably because it's a bit on the mundane side, and there's no fancy math to play around with. On the other hand, here I explain how to derive the number 666 from the string "George Walker Bush".

A few more 666 links

  • Seeing the Forest has a piece about the wingnuts going nuts. Actually today it's mostly not them freaking out, it's us making fun of them. Which is ok, of course, because fundies are evil and they deserve it.
  • The Sydney Morning Herald also pokes fun at the fundies. Somebody has to do it, and it's safer if there's a huge ocean between you and them.
  • The local paper in Austin, TX, also has a funny article about the date, which is pretty brave. Of course, people from the rest of the state already know everyone in Austin is going to hell, so this latest business won't come as much of a surprise.
  • A fun little blog posting about the date.
  • There's a lively discussion over at If you decide to join in, it's wise to be aware that Cradle of Filth is black metal, not death metal. This has already tripped up at least one hapless poster, to his infinite sorrow.
  • A nice rant over at Tholos of Athena titled Christian Psychopaths.
  • There's a new "Left Behind" book out today, this one titled "The Rapture". And in another sign of the apocalypse, Ann Coulter's new book is out today as well. Yech.
  • A columnist at the Palm Beach Post has an amusing post about the date as well, with lots of fun Photoshopped photos. Don't miss the comments thread while you're there.
  • In other news from the infantile, superstitious end of the religious world (i.e. most of it), the woman who "discovered" an image of the Virgin Mary on her cheese sandwich has a new tattoo of the sandwich. I guess because it was her big 15 minutes, and because she sold the original to an online casino.
  • SFGate's Culture Blog makes fun of the whole fad of seeing Jesus or Mary on unlikely objects. No surprise here. It's the culture blog in the San Francisco newspaper. You were expecting what, exactly? But they do link to a bunch of stories about instances of the fad. It really does happen, and people really are like that. Making fun of them is almost too easy. Anyway, now you can buy a pan so you can make pancakes, omelets, or whatever with Jesus images on 'em, as many as you like, whenever you want. I'd call that a real advance in technology.
  • And a fascinating look at Ave Maria, the new theocratic village in Florida planned out by Tom Monaghan, the Domino's Pizza creepozoid. The author looks at the town plans from an urban design perspective, and the closer you look, the more hair-raising it gets.

I'm going to run by the local record shop later today and buy some offensive CDs. It seems appropriate. I'll either update this post later or compose a new one, whichever seems more likely to boost my sitemeter hits up to the 2666 mark today. :)


Updated: Ok, I picked up a pile of heavy metal CDs, including Slayer's classic Reign of Blood, which I inexplicably did not own yet. I've actually never been a huge metal fan, but it just seemed appropriate today.

I've been informed that today is a huge event in Hell, Michigan. Which I guess is true considering the name and all. But it's the upper Midwest, so somehow they'll find a way to make the whole thing wholesome and family-friendly. I'm not sure they really get it. If there was, say, a Hell, Louisiana, then we might really be on to something.

I already mentioned Ann Coulter's new book. There's a great post about it over at Pharyngula:

Coulter: "Liberals subscribe to Darwinism not because it's science, which they hate, but out of some wishful thinking. Darwinism lets them off the hook morally."

Pharyngula: "Actually, I use the Nernst equation to justify my immoral behavior. I reserve Darwinism for those nights I need an excuse to go dancing."