Saturday, October 08, 2011

SW 5th & Caruthers

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A few photos from the tiny triangle of land at SW Caruthers St., 5th Avenue, & Broadway, next to Interstate 405. This place is mentioned briefly in an obscure city document that's resulted in quite a few of the more dubious and pointless-seeming posts in the ongoing parks series in recent years. Like a number of places on the list (and unlike its equally obscure neighbor at Broadway, Broadway & Grant) it seems this is not precisely an official city park; the parks bureau doesn't own it, but has, or once had, a role in landscaping or maintaining it.

TriMet stop 7591 is named "5th & Caruthers", but it's a bit south on 5th and not right at our sorta-park here. Which is the one and only even remotely related item I have to share this time around.

SW Caruthers & 5th

So instead, to make this post somewhat less useless, I thought I'd take the list from the aforementoned obscure city document, format it up for readability, and add links to the places I've done posts about. The posts can't all be blamed on this list, mind you; several places are only mildly obscure and even appear on maps of the city. Now that I've got this list put together, I'm surprised, a little embarrassed even, at how many of these I've been to.

SW Caruthers & 5th

SW Caruthers & 5th

SW Caruthers & 5th

SW Caruthers & 5th

SW Caruthers & 5th