A moray eel at the Waikiki Aquarium. I didn't make a note about what sort of moray it was, but it might be a dragon moray, Enchelycore pardalis.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
moray, waikiki aquarium
A moray eel at the Waikiki Aquarium. I didn't make a note about what sort of moray it was, but it might be a dragon moray, Enchelycore pardalis.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
february snow, 2011 edition
As usual, all of this melted shortly after I took these. And, as usual, the office was open, and I live way too close to work to plausibly use this as an excuse to stay home. But nearly all of my meetings today were cancelled for lack of attendees other than yours truly, thus I managed to spend a big chunk of the day actually writing code for a change, so... Mission Accomplished!
Monday, February 21, 2011
yellow crocuses
More photos of the same crocuses I showed you 3 weeks ago. (The ones I posted a couple of days ago are different.) More flowers this time, but they aren't actually much bigger and many of the flowers haven't opened yet. The ones that do open promptly tip over flat on the ground as their stems can't bear the weight. I blame the lack of sunlight and warmth, although it's true that I blame many things on the lack of sunlight and warmth. I'm often right, though.
FWIW, these were taken with a vintage mid-60's German lens I found at Goodwill earlier today. (Steinheil Auto-D-Quinaron, 35/2.8, in M42 mount, if you're really curious.)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
0.2 (pearl district)
As seen recently in the Pearl District. Don't be fooled by signs that say "warehouse" in this part of town; the Pearl is wall-to-wall luxury condos. Would it be overly snarky and controversial if I was to call this a little unsettling?
Anyway, I don't know what the "0.2" part means.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
playtime for taz
I've never promised you a daily dose of kitteh, O Gentle Reader(s), but I do think this is a little overdue. Plus this humble blog has been a bit heavy with vacation photos and incomprehensible modern art of late, so I figured I ought to change things up a bit. Also, the audience for cat photos is much wider than the audience for photos of the latest stainless steel whatzit on the bus mall. (I'm not actually convinced the latter audience is nonzero, but that's never stopped me before.)
And of course there's the fact that Taz is the world's awesomest cat ever, an inarguable fact agreed upon by all right-thinking people, and sharing photos of him is my way of improving the Internet and generally making the world a better place and whatnot.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
thistle, glenn otto park
sandy river
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