A few more window-reflection shots, this time of the US Bank tower, a.k.a. "Big Pink". This sort of photo requires an empty storefront with butcher paper behind the windows, with a good view of something you want photos of. The worse the economy is, the more options you have for this.
As a result, you would be within your rights to assume that some sort of message or social commentary is intended, but there really isn't. Not consciously, at least, unless you count "Empty storefronts are kind of melancholy and sad". Which is more of a truism than a message, really.
Still, sometimes I like to play like this reflection stuff kinda-resembles the sort of photo they teach you to make in Art Sk00l. And in Art Sk00l (and beyond), one is more or less obligated to at least pretend one's work embodies various Important Truths, because that's a key part of the product, you see. This juices up the perceived value and desirability of the work, thereby enabling one to starve somewhat more slowly. So, in short, feel free to imagine I'm trying to say something deep and meaningful, if you like.
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