A few photos of Portland's Cinco de Mayo festival, taken the day before when everything was closed, nobody was there, and it was pouring rain. Juggling the camera and umbrella and trying to stay dry and not drop anything expensive wasn't really that fun. But it's about the closest you can get in Portland to that staple of moody art-school photos, the Windswept Abandoned Amusement Park.
Ok, there's also Oaks Park in the winter, and I'd actually intended to go take some photos there, preferably with the semi-trusty & currently dusty Holga. But then an enormous project ramped up at the office, and I barely remember anything at all between roughly mid-October and mid-April, and in short I never quite got around to it. I guess I could still go have a look around, considering we still have cold wintry weather even though freakin' Memorial Day is later this month. But, you know, I think I've got the theme covered at this point. Night shots of the lights would be fun, although that may involve braving crowds of carnival-goers. And I suppose a series of Diane Arbus-style portraits of carnies might be... interesting, although that would involve a lot of hanging out with carnies. So I'm probably going to take a pass on that particular item.