Tuesday, April 19, 2011

south umpqua river, infrared

South Umpqua River, Infrared

These were taken back in August 2007, when I was just starting to figure out the whole infrared thing, and still shooting with the dinky little point-n-shoot I had at the time.

South Umpqua River, Infrared

South Umpqua River, Infrared

South Umpqua River, Infrared

South Umpqua River, Infrared

Sunday, April 17, 2011

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

From the archives, wayyy back in February 2008. I never got around to posting these because I didn't -- and still don't -- have any idea what sort of tree this is. If you can identify what we're looking at here, feel free to leave a comment to enlighten me and your fellow Gentle Reader(s).

Thx. Mgmt.

Updated: That didn't take long; these are witch-hazel blossoms! Merci beaucoup to Gentle Reader slugonabike, who passed this along over on the humblr Tumblr. You did know I have a Tumblr site too, right?

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor

in bloom, mt. tabor