It's baaack! Portland's legendary
24 Hour Church of Elvis returned recently, after a long absence I'd assumed was permanent. It has a new Old Town location on NW Couch near 4th, but other than that it looks the same as the original, mumble-mumble years ago, right down to the psychic Commodore 64 computers. I fed one of them a quarter for old times sake, and took a couple of photos, which attracted the attention of a few passers-by in the process. As I always say, I like to believe I'm performing a valuable public service when this happens.
That's why the 3rd photo is so crappy actually: A woman wanted to show it to her young daughters, passing the bemusement on to the next generation. So I snapped the last photo quickly and got out of the way. Most
real photographers would have told them to go right ahead and would've been delighted to have some live people in the photo. But that's not really how I roll here, for good or ill. This humble blog is basically about places and things. People, not so much.