Thursday, October 03, 2024

Instagram Cat Photos of 2012

As promised, here's a post full of my old Instagram cat photos from way back in the distant year 2012 AD. Taz was just two years old then, but already had a lot of things figured out: Which human blankets are best to sleep on, why wand toys are the best toys, exactly when various sunbeams will appear and disappear around the house during the day and when to relocate to the next one, and many other critical life skills, as depicted here.

And since you asked: Wand toys are the best toys because they involve a person waving them around, and he could have quality time with his people, sometimes for hours on end, sometimes with those hours occurring at 2-5am, without resorting to being snuggly. His ideal level of snuggling was to sleep somewhere near you, positioned just right so he could brush the tip of his tail against your arm, almost like he was petting you back. And he'd do this while maintaining a loud, contented snore the entire time.

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