Saturday, March 05, 2016

SE 28th Pl. & Pardee

Painted intersection at SE 28th Place & Pardee, next to a small private school. This one looks quite old and beat up, but apparently it was just painted in July 2015. So I suppose the winter hasn't been kind to it. The link goes to the neighborhood association's painting project & shows what the design is supposed to be: A woman riding a bike, with buildings and trees in the background.

1 comment :

Steve Beattie said...

Hey, my family helped paint this intersection. It's supposed to be a mermaid riding a bicycle. I put up a couple of photos taken the day after: and one taken during the painting to give some context and idea of what it looked like.

It's a shame, but I'm not entirely surprised that it hasn't held up over the winter, as the pavement there is really rough, and I think it gets a decent amount of traffic from parents dropping off and picking up kids from Tucker-Maxon.

Did you say hi to the goats that Tucker-Maxon has?