My banana tree died during the big cold snap in January. I was absolutely sure it was dead. It froze solid, and basically liquefied when it thawed. Its planter then sat, ignored, in a corner on the balcony, empty but for a small brown forlorn stump.
So imagine my surprise last week when green shoots began popping up out of the stump. At first, I assumed they were weeds, but on closer inspection they're unmistakably banana leaves. Tiny, delicate little banana leaves.
Some would argue it's bad luck to blog about this yet, when this tiny plant could still up and die on me tomorrow. But I don't really believe in jinxes, even with garden plants. And I have a feeling that posting photos of it may increase the odds that I'll remember to water the thing.
Since it "came back to life" when I thought it was a goner, I'm kind of thinking I really ought to start a cult around it. My banana tree, after all, froze and went all gelatinous for your sins. Presumably. It never really said anything specific to that effect, so I'm making some convenient assumptions here. Regardless, now it's back. So really, everyone ought to give me all their money and obey me without question. I mean, we'd hate to anger the banana plant, wouldn't we? If it's capable of reviving after eight months, it's capable of anything.
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