Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Updated 2/8/23: This post started out life as a gallery of Twitpic thumbnails, which (once upon a time) pointed at pages on hosting the original photos. But Twitpic hasn't existed since 2014, so all the photo links I had here were broken for roughly nine years. I figured the original photos were just gone since I hadn't copied them to Flickr in time, but it seems the Wayback Machine made a sweep thru Twitpic just before they closed up shop, and if I have the original URL it's easy to find archived copies (like this one ). Unfortunately they didn't archive user profiles so I can't get a list of all my photos over there, but I was at least able to rescue the photos in this post plus a few more referenced in Twitter and Google search results, and I could probably find more photos by downloading my Twitter archives (which I've been meaning to do anyway) and searching for old twitpic links there. Anyway, I added them all to an "Ex-Twitpics" set and made a slideshow of them, mostly because recreating a table full of tiny little thumbnail images seemed tedious and dumb in this day and age. The original text of this post follows after the divider:

So I've got this shiny new phone, and I've only just figured out how to post photos straight to Twitpic. Said photos are then tweeted automagically, which is a handy trick. I, uh, ran a little wild with that today, and here's the damage so far. As far as I know, Twitpic only gives you embeddable html for 150x150 thumbnails, but they're supposed to link to the full-sized originals. So we'll see how that turns out. (Also, here's a link to my Twitpic profile, if you want to browse 'em all for some reason.) (Oh, and my Yfrog one is here. I went back & forth between them until I had a phone that did Instagram.

I've also got an app that posts to Flickr, which is where the other few thousand of my photos live, so that's nice. What I'd really like to do, though, is post one or more photos to Flickr and have them auto-posted here. Geotags and all, if possible. And the same with YouTube videos, ideally. That's the, well, I hesitate to call it a "workflow", but it's the sequence of events I'd like to occur on my behalf. That's got to exist somewhere already, right? I don't seriously have to write a tool for that myself, do I?

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