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A few more photos of Young's Creek Falls, better known as Shepperd's Dell. I've already discussed the place at semi-length here so I won't bore you with that again. No, instead I'll bore you briefly with a rant about apostrophes. The apostrophes in "Young's" and "Shepperd's" are possessives and thus are grammatically correct. This usage is not geographically correct, though, as the USGS folks who handle these matters discourage the use of apostrophes. They even admit even they aren't sure why this is Federal policy, but it's been that way since 1890 and there's no sign they're planning to change it anytime soon. So in this post I've elected to use the names according to proper English, and in the previous post I used them the way they legally, officially are. I suppose I'm splitting the difference, just in case.
I realize I'm being amazingly pedantic here, but apostrophe abuse pisses me off. I'm sorry, I can't help it, it just does. Dropping the apostrophe in a possessive is possibly ok on Australian wine labels (i.e. "Penfolds"), but nowhere else. I'm sorry, but them's the rules.
Now that we've resolved that particular nitpick, here are the rest of the photos. Enjoy!
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