Tuesday, August 19, 2008



A few more recent photos, which (except for the top photo) fall into two broad (and very familiar) categories: a.) flowers, and b.) reflections of stuff in other stuff. The "reflected stuff" photos (and the top photo) are from around Old Town & Chinatown here in Portland. I don't usually do a lot of Old Town / Chinatown photos. The area presents kind of a dilemma to me. I'm not really big on doing gritty "Ooh, look, poverty!" shots, which seems exploitative and doesn't help anyone. And if, instead, you focus on the cool old buildings and ornate architectural details and so forth, and generally make the area look attractive, it plays into the hands of the gentrifiers - the PDC and the upscale condo tower crowd - and if five years from now the place is nothing but wall to wall doggie day spas and snooty martini bars and luxury SUVs, it'll be partly your fault. And either way, taking photos there involves walking around that part of town with a very conspicuous and expensive camera, without dying. Which is not to say I don't or won't do it, it's just that there's kind of a dilemma about the whole thing.

Handwringing aside, I'm not actually out of blog material, believe it or not. Not anymore than I usually am, at any rate. There's yet another bridge post in the works (the St. Johns this time), but those always take a while to put together. So for now, enjoy the flowers. And the reflected stuff. And the top photo.

flowers, lovejoy fountain plaza

reflected, chinatown

rosemary flowers

storefront, old town

reflected, old town

rosemary flowers

reflected, old town

reflected, old town

flowers, lovejoy fountain plaza

Monday, August 11, 2008

Pics: Portland Twilight Criterium '08

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

A few photos from last Friday's Portland Twilight Criterium. My, uh, "race report" this time around is even less extensive than last year's: We just sort of hung out and watched the races, and I tried to take a few sports-action type photos that didn't utterly suck. I'm not sure I succeeded, but just trying was kind of fun.

I'm afraid I don't know who the various riders here are, so I can't add any helpful captions. I think the guy in the top photo went on to win the main event, but I'm not totally sure. If it wasn't him, it was a teammate, I know that much.

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

There was one decent-sized crash pretty close to where we were standing. I took one photo of the pileup and started feeling guilty. I suppose if you're a pro at this you have to get over the feeling that you should be helping somehow instead of taking photos or whatever.

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

The rest of my photos of this year's criterium are on Flickr here. FWIW.

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

Portland Twilight Criterium 2008

Friday, August 08, 2008

wandering around first thursday

first thursday, august 08

first thursday, august 08

Took a few First Thursday photos yesterday, and here are a few of those few. I though I'd try something a little different. I'm not usually into street photography, and I'm never entirely convinced it's a good idea. But I figured, First Thursday is an art(sy) event, so cameras (and Cartier-Bresson wannabes) are to be expected, and people go to these things to see and be seen anyway. I'm certainly not going to argue that I created any Art yesterday. I approached it primarily as a technical exercise, actually. I'd been reading a bit lately about the hyperfocal technique, in which the right combo of focus and aperture ensures that everything beyond a certain distance is in "acceptable" focus. Then you can just wander around clicking the shutter, point-n-shoot style. You could, conceivably, do that without looking through the viewfinder. Which is what I did, partly to be unobtrusive, and partly for the sake of serendipity (more about which in a minute). Without practice (i.e. like me yesterday), most of what you get with this technique is feet. Which I guess would be great if you're doing a series on the feet of Portland, or I suppose if you just have a thing for feet, or whatever. To try to complete the effect, I used a vintage 60's Super Takumar 35mm f3.5 lens, switched the camera to monochrome, and cranked the ISO up to 3200 to try to simulate grainy film a little.

So I think I got a handful of photos this way that don't completely suck. As far as I can tell. Which I admit isn't very far.

first thursday, 
august 08

I figured it was past time to try something different, because I've been in a rut lately, creatively, and in life in general, nothing but work, sleep, work, sleep, with weekends devoted to the endless demands of clingy elderly people. Photography and blogging are my usual escapes (which is why I so rarely write about work, for example), but those have suffered too. I've been running on autopilot for some time now. My formula, of late, has been "add more of the same, rinse, repeat". More photos of flowers, usually. Some of them aren't too terrible, I think, but they're still basically more of the same thing I've been doing for, oh, for several years now. And the blog, don't get me started about this humblest of humble blogs.

first thursday, august 08

Now, ok, trying a slightly different photo technique isn't really the path out of staleness. Sure. And if I suddenly discover what the real path out of staleness is, I'm there. Until then, enjoy the photos, or whatever.

first thursday, august 08

first thursday, august 08

first thursday, august 08

Elowah Falls expedition

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So here are a few pics from an all-too-brief daytrip to Elowah Falls, out in the Gorge. Actually "daytrip" is far too generous. I woke up early; drove out (on I-84 all the way, no time for the Gorge Highway); scuttled up the short (0.8 mile) trail to the falls, muttering under my breath about how long it was taking; took a few hurried second-rate and uninspired of the place; scuttled back to the car; dashed home; and then dashed off to an Important Morning Meeting.

Elowah Falls

Elowah Falls has always been one of my favorite spots in the Gorge, and I didn't do it justice this time around. Ok, it looks not entirely unlike a lot of the other waterfalls in the gorge. Granted. It's not the tallest, or the widest, or the most accessible, or perhaps even the most picturesque. Also granted. I do have a soft spot for the place for a couple of reasons. First, it's somewhat obscure. There's no "Elowah Falls" exit from the Interstate. There isn't even a stop or a sign on the Gorge Highway that says "Elowah Falls". To find it, you have to know it's there, do a little research to find it, and go a little out of your way to get there, so right there you've excluded the casual, uninterested types. If you do find the trailhead, the falls aren't visible from the road, so anyone who needs instant gratification is bound to be disappointed.

Elowah Falls

Elowah Falls

The second reason I have a soft spot for Elowah Falls is that, unlike the more famous falls in the Gorge, I first went there as an adult. A young adult, mind you; I was in my early 20's, footloose, somewhat aimless, with far more free time than I do now. I have somewhat vague memories of driving out to the falls in midwinter and writing horrendous poetry (since shredded) about the experience. And I have rather more vivid memories of driving out to the falls in midsummer with my kid brother, goofing off on the rocks, slipping, landing on a rock, and breaking a rib. Which was even less enjoyable than you might imagine. But still, there once was a time, long ago, when I was able to go out to the gorge on a lark and goof off and not worry about what time it was and where I had to be in an hour.

Forest, Elowah Falls

So perhaps you can forgive me for feeling a little aggravated by the recent "expedition": Now, lots of people need my attention practically 24/7, and basically my every waking moment belongs to someone else. There's always another meeting, and another opportunity to synergize proactively outside the box on a go-forward basis, and maybe monetize some eyeballs in the process. The money's good, certainly. You won't catch me complaining about that part. I remember being poor, and I'd rather not do that again, thanks. And professional respect is nice too, I guess. But I can't help thinking, you know, all of France is on vacation the whole month of August. How do they do it? And would the world really, truly end if we did the same thing here? Seriously, would it?

I'm sure I sound awfully crabby about this, but I just finished up one run-run-run gotta-be-done-yesterday project, and immediately started in on another. Gotta port a big Unix app to IBM's highly-non-Unix minicomputer OS. That would actually be kind of fun and interesting on a normal human schedule, but it's gotta be done by the end of the year or else the roof falls in, or the ogre under the bridge eats us, or the Earth collides with the antimatter Earth, or something horrific like that.

Call me psychic if you like, but I have this funny feeling that come next February, I'll be posting more photos of bare trees and whining about the weather and demanding to know where my damn summer went. Well, since I'm in the middle of it right now, let me tell you. Most of the greenery I've seen recently has been on a tn5250 screen. And somehow it's just not the same.

Cue the same answer when I'm 75 and trying to remember exactly where my 30s went.

Wildflower, Elowah Falls

But enough about me.

A few links about the falls, from around the interwebs:

  • An informative page with good photos at OregonHikers.org.
  • A good hike report at NWHikers.net, with tons of photos.
  • A mid-June pos about the falls at "movement, movement"
  • "Next ... Elowah Falls..." at "Photography and Life in General", with a nice photo of the falls.
  • A page with more photos at dlmark.net.
  • A post with lots of photos at "Adventures in Washington". Ok, strictly speaking this is an adventure in Oregon, but Washington is visible across the river when there's a break in the trees, so I guess it counts, technically, sorta.

  • The "Elowah Falls" Flickr pool. Which I've just joined. I may even add a couple of my photos, if I feel the other members won't make fun of me.
  • The rest of my photos are here. FWIW.
  • On Amazon, you can buy an Elowah Falls mousepad. So I could see the falls without ever leaving my desk. No, no, must.... resist...
  • A set of VR panoramas of the falls and spots along the trail. It's almost just like being there... no, no....
  • An interesting page from Gresham High School with a photo of the upper falls. Did I mention there was an upper falls? There's a spur off the main trail to the upper falls, which adds another mile or two to the hike. It's worth seeing if you have time, which I never, ever, seem to have anymore.

Friday, August 01, 2008

...wherein I reacquire a cat...


The Second Law of Thermodynamics, as applied on the interwebs, suggests that over time every blog will radiate away whatever originality and creativity it once possessed, and devolve into just another jumble of cat photos. Today, apparently, it's my turn. Enjoy!


There's actually a fairly convoluted story about the cat, in which he was ours, then someone else's, and now ours again. I won't bore you with the long version, mostly because that would involve more writing than I feel like doing just now. Also, the reason he's ours again is a bit of a downer, and (as I mentioned in a previous post) I prefer to think about it as little as possible.

In any case, it's nice to have a cat again, regardless of what occasioned it.





Monday, July 28, 2008

Tiptoeing across the (old) Sellwood Bridge

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I seem to have stumbled into a Project, without ever really intending to. It started when, on a lark, I thought I'd try walking across the Morrison Bridge, maybe take a few photos, maybe do a post about it. That turned out ok, in that I didn't die, so I figured, hey, the Ross Island Bridge is pretty close in, and nobody walks across it either, maybe I'll give that a try. So I did that, again without dying. If you're like me, which I guess is unlikely, the next logical step is to go, hey, what other bridges can I walk across and do a post about?

Downtown Portland from Sellwood Bridge

It's not quite as simple a question as it sounds. I figure it'd be kind of pointless to post about the Hawthorne, Burnside, Steel, and Broadway bridges. They all get plenty of pedestrian and bike traffic, so it wouldn't exactly be urban exploration. I'm not about to go blabbing on like I've just found the source of the Nile about bridges that host hundreds or thousands of daily bike commuters. That would be rather lame, even by this humble blog's usual standards.

Updated: Well, pointless or not, I went and did it anyway, hence the new links. Sigh. I'd get a life if only I knew how. I really would. Honest.

And the Fremont and Marquam are out too, seeing as they're vehicle-only interstate bridges without freakin' sidewalks. No, I'm not going to walk along the shoulder of a freeway bridge. This is all about not dying, remember? (Updated: Turns out this is doable during the Portland Bridge Pedal.)

So the remaining options are a bit further afield. There's the Sellwood Bridge down in, uh, Sellwood, and the St. Johns Bridge up in, you guessed it, St. Johns. A bit further upstream, I understand you can also walk across the old bridge in Oregon City, although the newer I-205 bridge is Off Limits. I'm pretty sure the I-5 bridge in Wilsonville is also Off Limits, but it seems that both the Interstate Bridge and the Glenn Jackson Bridge let you take a long walk over the Columbia. Oh, and the new Sauvie Island Bridge will be open to pedestrians, but not for a few more months yet. I think that probably covers the greater Portland area, unless you count bridges over smaller rivers, maybe the Columbia Slough, maybe stuff like the Vista Bridge (which technically does bridge something called "Tanner Creek", although said creek was diverted into an underground pipe many decades ago.) At least for the time being, I'm going to limit the scope of the project to Willamette bridges, and maybe Columbia bridges, if I feel like it.

Sellwood Bridge

The Sellwood seemed like a good place to start. It's not very big, not very far away, and may not be around for much longer, if the powers that be get their way. The one thing everyone knows about the Sellwood is that it rates a 2 out of 100 on some sort of federal scale of bridge sufficiency. Everyone figures this means it's liable to collapse any minute now. I don't know how accurate that is, but I figured I ought to go see it while I still can.

Also, unlike the Morrison and the Ross Island, I'd actually never walked over the Sellwood before, not even once, ever.

Sellwood Bridge

This may be a sort of golden twilight era for the Sellwood, where pedestrians and bikes are concerned. Due to weight limits imposed a few years ago, the bridge no longer carries buses and large trucks (or at least it's not supposed to), and I seem to recall they dropped the speed limit, and I imagine the remaining vehicles are driving a bit more gingerly than before. It's also more necessary than before -- since there aren't buses across the bridge these days, if you're in Sellwood and you want to catch one a bus on Macadam (to downtown or elsewhere), you're going to have to cross the bridge yourself and meet the bus on the other side.

In the last two installments of this apparent bridge series, one of the big challenges was simply figuring out how to get onto the damn bridge. It was a bit more straightforward this time, at least the way I approached it. Since the bridge is a bit out of downtown, and I figured I'd pop down there quick and take a few photos in the morning before work, I decided to drive there. There isn't much of anywhere to park on the west end of the bridge. There really isn't much of anything at all at the west end of the bridge. So I figured, I'll just drive across to the east side, park, walk back to the west side, turn around and go back, and then drive home, back across the Sellwood again. I guess I figured driving over the bridge repeatedly in a sensible midsize sedan would provide the pseudo-danger element this time around, it being heavier and thus more likely to make the bridge collapse.

So there's lots of parking at the east end of the bridge. You probably ought to be aware that, as with the Ross Island, the very first building you encounter on the east bank is a rather down-at-the-heels-looking, uh, "gentlemen's club", this one apparently with a country-western theme. It's not that I'm judging or moralizing or anything; it's just that if you park in their lot, and walk across the bridge because some guy on the Interwebs (i.e. me) told you to, and then your car gets towed, you may find it difficult to credibly explain the situation. Just sayin'.

Once you've found somewhere to park, then you just find the sidewalk on Tacoma St. and follow it across the river. Note that there's only a sidewalk on the north/downstream/westbound side of the bridge. The south side doesn't have a sidewalk, probably as an economy measure. The whole bridge was built on the cheap, at the tail end of Portland's bridge-building scandal back in the early 20th century, and it shows. It's a small, cheap, absolutely no-frills bridge

Not that the sidewalk on the north side is all that great. It's narrow, there's no barrier between you and traffic, and the light poles are on the inside of the guardrail, taking up precious sidewalk space. It would be a bad place to ride a bike while towing one of those fancy superwide stroller-trailer gizmos. Although I did encounter one coming the other way, and everyone survived the episode. It was a tight squeeze though.

You don't feel like you're in a big city on the Sellwood. It's not a very large-scale bridge, only two lanes. It feels like a bridge you'd find in a place the size of, say, McMinnville or Roseburg. There were a few other people crossing the bridge on foot and by bike, and there's a sort of small-town camaraderie about it. As if everyone realizes the bridge is a problem to get across, so we all need to say "hi" and work out ways to get around one another safely without tumbling into traffic.

Detail, Sellwood Bridge

Detail, Sellwood Bridge

The only annoying bit was when I was taking a few closeups of some decayed parts of the bridge. This involved sitting down for a minute to get a better angle. While I was doing that, some punk kid in his tricked-out punk kid car drove past, and he revved his engine as he went by, which was momentarily startling. The cheap-shot response would be to say that sort of thing is to be expected this close to Clackamas County. Ah, well. The things some people do for fun.

Pedestrian path, Sellwood Bridge

Pedestrian path, Sellwood Bridge

I really ought to have investigated how the Sellwood connects to paths and sidewalks on the west side a bit better. Around the time I got to that end of the bridge, my camera's CF card announced it was full, and I didn't have a spare handy. A more intrepid urban explorer might have continued on down the path to see where it went even without a working camera, but that's not what I did. So I don't know what this bit of path connects to. I can say this bit is a lot more inviting than the equivalents at the Morrison or the Ross Island.

Maybe I'm just all jaded and world-weary-like after the first two bridges, but the Sellwood wasn't too bad, overall. I started out just a bit apprehensive about it, but I warmed up to the bridge before long. Eventually I decided I kind of liked it. Possibly I'm just rooting for the underdog here, as I tend to do. I went into this thinking, ugh, it's cheap and crappy, tear it down before it falls down and build something big and new and expensive and ultra-luxo-shiny, a Calatrava if at all possible. But now I'm not so sure. I understand the worryingly unstable bit is not the bridge itself but the westside approach to the bridge. If you replaced that, and redid the road surface on the bridge, and found a way to extend the sidewalk out a few more feet (or alternately , added a pedestrian/bike deck inside the bridge truss, below the road ), and generally caught up on the bridge's deferred maintenance backlog, I imagine you'd have a perfectly serviceable bridge. It's hard to imagine a repair job being more expensive than tearing out the current bridge and building a fresh new one. This is especially true in this case, as building a new bridge will most likely involve condemning and demolishing condos and other buildings around the east end of the bridge, and that sort of thing always, always, always results in a protracted court battle.

In any case, that's a matter to be thrashed out between the county, local neighbors, the "design community", and various other interested parties over the next few years. And then they'll see if they can find any money to do whatever they decide on, which at present seems a bit unlikely. And eventually maybe something will happen, and maybe it won't. In the meantime, go ahead and check out the bridge the way it is now -- if you care, that is. You'll be able to tell the grandkids about it. And bore them to tears in the process, most likely. If you aren't completely bored yet, I have a few more photos of the bridge over on Flickr here. Enjoy, or whatever.

Actually I just had a really fabulous idea on how to pay for a new bridge. If you live in Portland, you're already aware, no doubt, that the key to getting a public works project funded is to tie it to the ultra-high-end blockbuster real estate dreams of some well-connected developer (*cough* South Waterfront *cough). And the key to getting the project rubber-stamped by the Proper Authorities is to convince everyone it's European. So my plan is to stack the bridge with a few floors of "market-rate" condos -- once the market improves, obviously -- on top of the inevitable bridge-level retail. It may or may not be a crazy idea, but it's certainly not a new idea. Check out the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, the Pulteney Bridge in Bath, UK, and in Germany the KrƤmerbrĆ¼cke in Erfurt, and Die BrĆ¼ckenhƤuser in Bad Kreuznach, to give a few prominent examples. You'd need a streetcar across the bridge, obviously, to look tres-European, and create a nice ambiance for the new residents of the bridge, and drive gentrification in the surrounding area, oh, and I suppose to transport a few people (mostly tourists) as well. Just imagine how the New York Times would gush and carry on if we had something like this. Also, Seattle doesn't have one, and we could say "neener, neener, neener" to their smug, Microsoft-worshiping, Frappuccino(TM)-swilling faces, which is the main thing.