Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ultra-Snowpocalypse™ 2008 II : The Sequel

snow, hawthorne bridge

ice, willamette river

It's come to my attention that the last batch of photos really wasn't all that snowpocalyptic, all things considered. It's probably fair to say this batch isn't very snowpocalyptic either, really. But hey.

The above photos were taken right around "sunset" the other day, and the river really was that color, briefly.

ice, willamette river

Here's something you don't often see: Seagulls floating down the Willamette, on a chunk of drifting ice.

snowman, portland

A crappy snowman I made the other day while waiting for the bus. Once it was "done", a family showed up to wait for the bus, and the kids thought it was adorable. A "baby snowman", they called it, and they built it a friend. Their snowman was much, much better than mine.

shelter, raleigh hills

shelter, raleigh hills

shelter, raleigh hills

Ice on the bus shelter, from the same wait for the bus. It was a long wait. I actually took these in a hurry just as the bus finally arrived, but I like to think they turned out reasonably artsy anyway. In fact, I feel I deserve a huge government grant to keep churning out reasonably artsy stuff like this. Or a huge grant from a big-name nonprofit, funded by some well-meaning philanthropic patron of the arts. That would be fine too.

snow, portland

City Hall, with someone's "Merry Xmas" message in the snow. It's gotten so whenever I see the word "Xmas", I always think of Futurama and Evil Robot Santa. But that's just me.

snow, portland

The stupid pioneer statue in the Plaza Blocks. I have a draft post about it sitting around half-finished; I'll probably get it done once the snow melts or something.

snow, hawthorne bridge

ice, willamette river

ice, willamette river

ice, willamette river

ice, willamette river

snow, hawthorne bridge

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ultra-Snowpocalypse™ 2008

snow, hawthorne bridge

The local TV stations have already swiped the obvious slogans for the current "snow event", like "Arctic Blast", "Deep Freeze" and "Severe Weather Alert", so I had to get creative.

I do think "Ultra-Snowpocalypse™ 2008" has a nice ring to it, though.

snow, hawthorne bridge

snow, morrison bridge

snow, portland

snow, portland

snow, portland

snow, portland

ice, rusting chunks

ice, rusting chunks

ice & lights

snow, portland

snowy fern, portland

snowy fern, portland

Thursday, December 18, 2008

he found the remote

cat with remote

I guess this explains all those pay-per-view charges for "Endangered Flightless Birds of the World".

It may also explain that irresistible urge I get to give him another cat treat every time he presses the green button...

mid-morning snowstorm

portland snowstorm

...from the office, peering out at the storm while fixing somebody's wacky C++ JNI code...

portland snowstorm

portland snowstorm

portland snowstorm

...and from home, playing around with flash plus an old East German lens at f1.8...

portland snowstorm

portland snowstorm

portland snowstorm

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vancouver Railroad Bridge

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A few photos of the Vancouver Railroad Bridge on the Columbia River, also known as Burlington Northern Bridge 9.6. Which, maybe not surprisingly, is on the same rail line as BNSF Bridge 5.1 over the Willamette.

Vancouver Railroad Bridge (BNSF Bridge 9.6)

Ever since I was a kid, I always thought swing-span bridges like this were kind of cool for some reason. Back in 6th grade or so, we had a big end-of-year class field trip where they put us all on a boat and cruised up and down the Willamette River, and we were supposed to take notes and there would be a quiz later, so that we could all pretend it was educational. I may have been the only one actually paying attention, teachers and parents included. At one point we passed the old Bridge 5.1, back before it was converted to a lift span, and I just thought it was the coolest thing ever, the way part of the bridge actually rotated out of the way.

Ok, so sure, this kind of bridge has its drawbacks. One of the big selling points when the lift span went in was that the harbor could now accommodate ships twice as wide as before, since the center pivot bit wasn't there as an obstruction anymore.

Vancouver Railroad Bridge (BNSF Bridge 9.6)

I feel kind of guilty this time around, like I haven't done enough work for a proper post. The "photo shoot" for this post took about 5 minutes (and I hope it doesn't show, but it probably does). I also don't have a lot of useful or interesting info to share about this bridge. A few years ago, there was a proposal to modify the bridge for the benefit of river traffic. The proposal was considered and eventually rejected, though. At this point, the Powers That Be are so focused on replacing the nearby I-5 bridge that messing with the railroad bridge is probably way down the agenda.

Except insofar as it would help out with the new I-5 (or "Columbia Crossing") bridge, anyway. I understand the rail bridge causes something of a design complication for the I-5 bridge. It opens practically right next to the Vancouver shore of the river, so to accommodate river traffic the new I-5 bridge will either have to do the same, which the design people don't like; or the shipping channel has to move south, which means modifying the rail bridge to be in line with the new bridge; or ships will have to make a sort of dog-leg sideways across the river between the two bridges in order to pass them.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole "Columbia Crossing" thing, so I don't really have an opinion about how they ought to deal with the shipping channel issue. Any option that doesn't involve ships hitting the bridge while I'm driving over it will probably be just fine, I guess.

Vancouver Railroad Bridge (BNSF Bridge 9.6)

Some photos of the bridge from around the interwebs, but mostly from Flickr:

from the river
more pivoting
pivoting at night - a cool, oddly spooky photo.
one train crossing
two trains, side by side
vanishing point
a train and something called a "hi rail truck" I always thought those were cool, but until today I didn't know what they were called. Here's more about hi-rail trucks, if you're as curious as I was.
trains bound in opposite directions
more vanishing point - I wasn't quite brave enough to get up on the tracks and take one of these. It's a very busy bridge, you know.
from around the corner from where I took my photos
from the Hayden Island side of the bridge
again from Hayden Island
wider angle from Hayden Island
from mid-bridge, presumably from a train engine
the Marine Drive span of the bridge, which is actually a whole separate bridge, the Oregon Slough Railroad Bridge, aka "BNSF Bridge 8.8" from the Oregon mainland to Hayden Island.
christmas ships

Vancouver Railroad Bridge (BNSF Bridge 9.6)

Vancouver Railroad Bridge (BNSF Bridge 9.6)

Vancouver Railroad Bridge (BNSF Bridge 9.6)

"I'm Flying, John!"

porta-potties in the sky

Say "hi" to downtown Portland's new, more affordable aerial tram...

porta-potties in the sky

porta-potties in the sky