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A few strictly tourist-grade photos of the amazing fountain in front of the Bellagio. I hope I don't have to explain that this is in Las Vegas and not Portland, right? I don't know where we'd put something like this. It's big and loud and splashy and gaudy and shameless, which is to say it just wouldn't fly in Portland. Which is a damn shame. And if by some weird accident we ended up with a Bellagio-style fountain here, they'd only run it in the summer months, and it'd be broken most of the time it was supposed to be running. And we'd be constantly wringing our hands about how to make it more sustainable. Sheesh. Sustainable, sushmainable.

These are actually all the photos I took of the fountain, despite standing there watching it for quite a while. At some point I went, oh, wait, I should take a few photos for the Gentle Reader(s) back home (or wherever it is you people are located). And here they are. As I said, they're strictly tourist-grade, at best. It probably didn't help matters that I was about halfway through a large Eiffel tower full of strawberry daiquiri. Which I was holding as I walked down the street, perfectly legally. Very civilized place, that Las Vegas.

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