Saturday, April 02, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011
hop shoots, march 2011
A few photos of hop vines just starting to come up outside the Lucky Labrador on Hawthorne. I'm told that young hop shoots are in fact edible and quite tasty, although I haven't tried them myself. And, you know, it raises sort of a dilemma. Have vegetables now, or have beer later. Ok, that's actually not much of a dilemma for those of us who like beer. A tradeoff, then. Mmmm... beeer....
Thursday, March 31, 2011
telephone pole, se 9th & madison
A small photoset about decaying concert posters on telephone poles. New posters are often stapled directly on top of shabby old ones, which echoes the growth rings in the tree trunk they're stapled to.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Glen Otto Park expedition
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Today's adventure takes us out to Troutdale's Glenn Otto Park, on the Sandy River. The park is mostly famous for the sort of safety issues that result when you combine warm weather, cheap beer, testosterone, and a very cold, fast river. Which is something that's come up in a few earlier posts (the High Rocks one for example), and I'm not really interested in revisiting the topic. The problem is that I'm not sure what else there is to say about the place. I stopped by just to take photos of the bridge next door, and I ended up with some photos that weren't of the bridge, and here they are.
I did manage to find a few non-picnic, non-drowning-related items to pass along, so here they are as well:
- The city's 2002 Master Plan for the park.
- 1995 memorial resolution by the state legislature honoring Mr. Otto.
- A 2009 Portland Tribune profile of Helen Otto (Glenn Otto's wife), on her 90th birthday.
columbia gorge
sandy river
bronze daisies, holladay park
A small sculpture of flowers located in Holladay Park, near the fountain and the Neighborhood Gardener statue.
lloyd district
Friday, March 25, 2011
valentines balloons, 2nd & main
I thought this was a strange place to tie a bunch of balloons to a light pole. Then I realized that the Justice Center is diagonally across the street, and someone held on the upper floors just might be able to glimpse the balloons. So that's my theory.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
details, sw park & oak
These photos are of the ornate, shabby early 20th century telco building at SW Park & Oak, behind the Benson Hotel. The little face above appears to be glued onto the building, possibly an unofficial contribution by some anonymous (and skilled) artist out there. Sidewalk ponies, eat your hearts out.
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