Thursday, July 05, 2007
...wherein I gain a superpower...
When I was a kid, I thought being able to see infrared and ultraviolet would be a great superpower. X-ray vision, not so much, because it'd be all skeletons all the time, and I've never been goth enough to find that appealing. A couple of weeks ago I was surprised to learn that my camera detects near-IR light. Which got me wondering if there was a way to make it only see infrared. Hopefully without having to spend a lot of money or disassemble anything.
Turns out there's an extremely simple way to do just that. I rifled through my dusty old box of film photos, and looked through my negatives until I found a couple of unexposed end bits. Layer them together and add some tape to hold them in place, and you've got a homemade IR filter. If you try to look through it you'll notice that almost no visible light makes it through, so anything the camera sees has to be something else.
So here are a few preliminary attempts at taking IR photos.
The thing that really stands out in IR is foliage, and fortunately my general neighborhood is full of foliage. Leaves appear to glow, while the sky comes out rather dark. Here's that damn Leland One / Rusting Chunks No. 5 sculpture again. The trees in direct sunlight just then came out way overexposed. If I hadn't done that, I'm not sure the rest of the scene would've been visible.
Here are some subsequent and better attempts.
Here are a few pages with tons of info about IR photos, if you're interested, at Rochester Institute of Technology, dpfwiw, Photo tidbits, CoCam, and
A funny thing about IR with digital cameras is that the more you spend, generally speaking, the less useful the camera is. Infrared is Considered Harmful for general camera usage, so you see IR-blocking filters fixed over cameras' image sensors. The more you spend, the "better" IR filtering you get. I think even mine does it to some degree, so you've got IR and anti-IR filters fighting each other, and you're detecting what little light makes it through both of those.
My dinky little $14.99 VuPoint camera, however, doesn't seem to do any IR-blocking at all, based on the experimenting I've done so far. I didn't bring the right cable with me so I can't pull today's photos off of it right now, but here are a couple of silly ones from earlier. First, my alter ego in mid-transmogrification into IR superhero mode, film sprocket holes and everything:
The completed transformation, FWIW:
Incidentally, I've noticed the VuPoint is better suited to talking to Macs than it is to Windows, which is kind of surprising. The desktop software on Windows is clunky and cartoonish, while on OSX it just talks to iPhoto like a good camera should. The resulting images are BMP files on OSX, but JPG on Windows, even though BMP is a Windows-centric format. I figure that means BMP is the camera's "RAW" format, or the closest thing to it. Apparently if you leave compression off on the camera, the desktop software applies it on that end, so there's really no advantage to turning it off in that case. I don't really see the point of that; the BMP files come out at around 360k instead of the ~50k compressed size. 360k is still pretty tiny, so I'm not sure why they went to the trouble.
Waterfront Fireworks
Here are a few photos of last night's fireworks, in case you went to bed early or whatever. I like to think these compare favorably with last year's attempt. I like to think this means I learned at least one thing over the last year -- although the real difference comes from buying an el cheapo tripod this time around, and tinkering with manual, and counterintuitive, camera settings instead of trusting what it calls "fireworks mode". I don't want to totally nerd out on you here, so if you're really curious about how this stuff works, your favorite search engine is just keystrokes away. Or check out the photos' EXIF data, if you prefer (and if Flickr preserves it; I haven't actually checked).
As you might've noticed, much of last year's post is a rant about Dubya & friends. I haven't done a lot of that recently, and I keep speculating about why I haven't felt the need of late. I think I know what it is now. Ever since the 2006 election, what I feel about those guys isn't so much anger as impatience. I've written off everything until January 2009 as a total loss, politically speaking. Bush & cronies are going to run wild until then, and nobody's going to stop them. On the bright side, their hourglass is running short on sand, and if we can just avoid getting tricked into any more wars for the next year and a half, we just may be OK. Eventually.
So anyway, enjoy the photos, or whatever.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Saddle Mountain: Flowers, etc.
Gentle Reader(s), I recently semi-promised you more photos of Saddle Mountain, but of flowers and other small stuff this time around. I semi-promise lots of stuff, and a number of those semi-promises are still in the, uh, pending category, but this time you're in luck.
I didn't do my usual search of the library's Oregonian database for the previous post. As you might expect, the O does a story about the place every few years, letting people know it's a good day hike reasonably close to town. For example, here are the 1993 and 1998 versions of the story. The place doesn't really change much, so either story still makes a good introduction to the place.
Anyway, here's more of those photos I mentioned:
Tanner Springs in a new light
So I figured I'd take my new $14.99 digicam and wander through the Pearl, taking bad and/or artsy photos of stuff. As I usually do, I ended up at Tanner Springs. The little camera's growing on me. Maybe it's just the weird colors, but these have a cool sorta mid-60's Instamatic look to them. Enjoy, or whatever.
Unboxing a $14.99 VuPoint digicam
So I was in the mood for a new toy, and I remembered the camera store down the street had these $14.99 digital cameras that fit on a keychain. You can't go wrong for $14.99. Crappy image quality is fine. Crappy image quality is great, actually. Call it Holga envy if you like. Dealing with camera film is annoying and tedious, and I'm not, not, not going to do it, period, no matter how funky and weird the results are. I'd still like funky and weird results, though. And like I said, you can't go wrong for $14.99.
So the top photo is of my new VuPoint Solutions DC-ST12G-VP, with the single AAA battery out. AAA batteries are pretty tiny, so you can tell this is a very small camera.
And here's the packaging. I'm proud to report I've opened at least one modern made-in-China product package without a knife of any kind. I just improvised with my keychain bottle opener instead.
Oh, and there's beer. You can't unbox a new toy without beer. It's a McMenamins Firefly Kolsch, with a lemon wedge. Hey, it's hot outside.
It's kind of fun making a big production out of this at the same time the world's alpha nerds are unboxing their shiny new iPhones. I don't think this qualifies as satire, exactly. There's probably a word for it, which either escapes me at the moment, or I've just never heard of.
The pamphlet on the left is the manual. If you want to read the whole thing, such as it is, you can find a color version here. It's delivered as a PDF inside a ZIP file for some reason. Don't ask me why.
So I'm trying to see what else I can learn about the thing. I suppose with the idea I might take it apart and tinker with it eventually, or possibly buy another one to tinker with. The Windows desktop software installs to an odd location, C:\WINDOWS\twain_32\MyDSC2 instead of under Program Files. So I suppose it's using TWAIN to talk to the camera instead of one of the usual digicam interfaces. TWAIN's mostly used for talking to scanners, although it supports cameras too. So that's kind of peculiar.
The apps and DLLs in the folder indicate the software comes from another company, Service & Quality Technology Co. Ltd., based in Taiwan. Their website lists a variety of image sensor chips and whatnot, although the lowest-end one they list, the SQ905C, says it offers VGA resolution, not just the CIF mode my camera claims. The other details look about right, though, so it's possible the camera just doesn't expose the VGA mode. In which case enabling it might be an interesting project.
Updated: Ok, the SQ905C is the controller & platform the camera's based on, and the sensor's a separate item. Actually it could be any one of a short list of separate items. The tech docs (see below) list a few supported sensors: Hynix HV7131R, PixArt PAS202(B?) and PAS302B, something just listed as "106" which (I think) is supposed indicate PixArt's PAS106B, Micron's MI-360, and PQI's SOI763A. So it's possible that while the controller can support slightly higher resolution, the sensor in the camera may not be up to the job. The PAS106B supports only CIF ( 352 x 288 ) resolution, while all the others support VGA (640 x 480). So I probably have a PAS106B inside; if not, tweaking the max resolution may still be a go, not that I have a clear idea how to accomplish that right now.
I suppose there's always adding memory, although I imagine that would increase the drain on the poor little battery.
The SQ905C page links to a pair of PDF files with loads of technical data. There's a single ASIC inside that implements nearly the whole package, right down to the interface on the little LCD status screen. (It's just status, none of that fancy preview nonsense.) If this isn't precisely what's inside my camera, it may be the next generation, and mine uses a discontinued version. Which might explain the price, I suppose.
Actually one of the apps isn't from SQ. Judging by a quick Google search, TransTWAIN.exe seems to be a common tool for transferring files over a TWAIN interface or something like that. It's freely distributed in binary form, but it's not known who wrote the thing. Jeepers!
So here's the first photo from my shiny new $14.99 camera:
Pretty cool, huh? That's full size, without JPEG compression enabled. The camera can hold about 18 photos in this mode. It's SDRAM-based, so if the camera loses power, your photos go poof. That also means the camera constantly draws current if there's a battery present, since otherwise the contents of memory would go poof. So you'll want to take the battery out once you've downloaded the camera's precious cargo.
No camera unboxing would be complete without a photo of the camera you used for the start of the process, taken with the new camera. So here ya go:
Yes, yes, I had a kolsch and a light summery pasta for lunch. Did I mention it's really hot outside?
So here are the functions exported by the DLLs and kernel drivers that came with the camera, for you tech dweebs out there. Obviously I don't know what they're all for, but some of the names sound interesting.
TOYCAM.DLL: (you gotta love that name.)
Camd905c.sys (905C, eh? I thought so...)
There's also a Capt905c.sys file that appears to not export or import any symbols. That doesn't seem right to me, althought I've been wrong before.
The Painted Hills
Today's mini-roadtrip photos are from Eastern Oregon's Painted Hills, about 50 miles east of Prineville. You've seen photos of the place before, no doubt, and no doubt those photos were better than mine. But that's never stopped me before.
The Painted Hills are part of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, which is part of the national park system. Technically there are some fossils here, but the hills are the main event, with those weird multicolored bands.
The Wikipedia article on the hills describes them thusly:
Painted Hills is one of the three units of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, located in Wheeler County, Oregon It totals 3,132 acres (12.7 km²) and is located 9 miles (14 km) northwest of Mitchell, Oregon and 75 miles east of Bend. Painted Hills is named after the colorful layers of its hills corresponding to various geological eras, formed when the area was an ancient river floodplain. The black soil is lignite that was vegetative matter that grew along the floodplain. The grey coloring is mudstone, siltstone, and shale. The red coloring is laterite soil that formed by floodplain deposits when the area was warm and humid.
Lignite is very low-grade, low-value coal, and laterite is basically what's left after rainfall leaches all the soluble minerals out of soil. As you can see, not much grows on the hills. They're surrounded by forests and farms, so it's not for lack of water. It's just the soil, three kinds of bad so far as plant life goes. Here and there you see a spot where there's a layer of different soil above the Painted Hills material:
The photo above also shows footprints from where some idiot decided to climb the hill. It should be clear why you're not supposed to do that.
If you look closely, you'll notice the surface of the hills is dry, cracked mud. That sort of dents the mystique of the place a little, but it's kind of fascinating in its own way:
A nearby farm, with the hills in the background. Makes for an interesting contrast.
Naturally I had to bring my alter ego along for the ride:
I don't know why it is that barren, badland-like places like this capture the human imagination. Not to get all touchy-feely about it, but you get the feeling you're in a very simple place, with the bones of the earth laid bare, and only the essentials remaining. I don't know if it resonates with some sort of deep-seated desert nomadic impulse, or what. It feels compelling, but I can't put my finger on exactly why.
If you want to see more of the place, or, hypothetically speaking, you found my photos unsatisfying, here are a few other sites with photos:
- Ragged Cloth Cafe, with paintings as well as photos. Very cool.
- Golden Gate Photo
- Enigmaterial
- Two pages at
- A photo on Flickr
- Panoramio
- Northwest Pages
- GalleryPlayer
- Oregon Icons
- Max Lyons Forums
- Southeast Main
And if you just can't get enough of the hills themselves, the Nature Conservancy owns a chunk of similar terrain at their Juniper Hills preserve. FWIW.