Showing posts with label yellowstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellowstone. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bison, Yellowstone

Bison, Yellowstone

An old photo of a herd of bison blithely walking down the middle of the road, somewhere in Yellowstone National Park. We were driving along and came around a corner, and suddenly there were bison everywhere. We, and the other vehicles on the road, stopped to stay out of their way and let them pass. So we sat there as they walked by, some just inches away from our car, while we tried to be quiet and not make any sudden moves or do anything that might annoy the beasties. I should point out that we were in a tiny MG at the time, so we were actually looking up at the bison, with just a thin leather convertible top between us and them. That was actually kind of cool, although I admit to being a bit nervous at the time. I later realized that an adult male bison can weigh over 2000 lbs., which is somewhat more than an MG and two adult humans combined.