Showing posts with label vine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vine. Show all posts

Monday, January 04, 2016

ripples, airport way bridge, columbia slough

Since it's cold and icy outside right now, I thought I'd dig out something a little more summery to post. Here are a couple of Vine videos from the Columbia Slough Natural Area. At one point along the trail, a concrete bridge carries NE Airport Way over the Columbia Slough, and the trail goes underneath it. When the sun's at the right angle, ripples on the placid slough are reflected up onto the underside of the bridge, and voila.

Friday, November 08, 2013

fire twirling, waikiki

Here's another Vine clip from Hawaii, this time of a little fire twirling outside the local Hello Kitty Seafood Buffet, which exists. Not only does it exist, I went there for birthday number four-zero a few years ago, just to do something silly and not entirely age-appropriate. They seem to be downplaying the Hello Kitty angle now, and the fire dancers are new. Apparently they put on a mini-show on the lawn out front, promising more of a show inside if you choose to patronize their fine establishment. Which is in addition to various licensed Sanrio characters wandering the restaurant and posing for photos with kids and Japanese tourists. I'm fairly certain there is no exact equivalent to this place here in Portland, or probably anywhere else for that matter.

friday night fireworks, ala wai harbor

Because it's Friday night, here's another recent Vine clip from Hawaii, this time of the Hilton Hawaiian Village's Friday night fireworks show, taken from next to the Ala Wai boat harbor. Only bad thing about this clip is the little note saying it was taken 41 days ago. Sigh.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

sunset, ala wai marina

A few more vacation Instagram photos from last week. Yeah, it's another Hawaiian sunset. Let me know down in the comments if you're getting tired of these.

I did take the "real" camera along too, btw. I just haven't gotten around to uploading photos yet. What would really be ideal here would be an Android-based DSLR with at least WiFi and maybe a 4G connection, and a somewhat more reliable Flickr app. A stretch goal would be an app that fetches HTML for your Flickr uploads, adds them to a new Blogger post, generates an embedded Google map based on your GPS location, saves it as a draft, and generally does everything except for the actual writing part. That would be ok. And yes, I have looked into the various web service APIs I'd need to use to write this myself. But that's as far as I've taken it. So apparently I haven't needed this app quite badly enough for me to take the time and write it. Still, it would be nice to have. The workflow involved in doing the average blog post here is clunky and hasn't changed in years, and it's starting to feel like stone-axes and bearskins technology. Relatively speaking, I mean.