Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2008

Santa Cruz

Here are a few more vacation photos from the archives, this time from Santa Cruz, CA. We didn't stop there very long; this was really just a quick side trip so I could see if I could track down the original tree that the Old SCO corporate logo is based on. I found what sounded like specific directions, which even pointed to a then-recent map of the area, but it turns out that all cypress trees look about the same. Or more to the point, the SCO logo equally resembles a lot of cypress trees, and modern Google Maps didn't exist yet. So no dice on that, I think, but I at least got a few assorted photos out of the effort.

Updated: A rereading of those directions just now (2/1/23) suggests it might be the tree here, which looks a bit worse for wear as time and the elements have had their way with it. Which, frankly, happens to the best of us. Incidentally today is just a few weeks shy of the 20th anniversary of the original SCO vs IBM lawsuit being filed, which is a little crazy.

Ocean, Santa Cruz

Ocean, Santa Cruz

Ocean, Santa Cruz

Ocean, Santa Cruz

Ocean, Santa Cruz

Ocean, Santa Cruz