Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Friday, December 06, 2013

Snowpocalypse 2013

Scenes from the snow day today. It doesn't rank among our top ten Snowpocalypses, to be brutally frank about it. It's no 2008 or 2007. It's not even a 2010. Still: Two cheers for (light & temporary) snow!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

february snow, 2011 edition

snow, february 2011

As usual, all of this melted shortly after I took these. And, as usual, the office was open, and I live way too close to work to plausibly use this as an excuse to stay home. But nearly all of my meetings today were cancelled for lack of attendees other than yours truly, thus I managed to spend a big chunk of the day actually writing code for a change, so... Mission Accomplished!

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

snow, february 2011

Monday, February 07, 2011

february sunset

february sunset

Or to be more precise, the maximum amount of sunset I can see from my cubicle in February, assuming the weather cooperates, which rarely happens.

february sunset

Thursday, January 27, 2011

january fog

january fog

As seen yesterday near Lovejoy Fountain Plaza.

You've undoubtedly seen shots just like this in any number of movies, except here we've got students & office workers instead of ringwraiths or headless horsemen or vampires or Jack the Ripper or whatever. So, not so much in the freaky supernatural drama department here. On the bright side, these photos are costing you absolutely nothing to look at, so compared to the cost of a movie ticket, mega-sized popcorn, 128 oz. Coke, dubious-looking "hot dog", and a tub of Raisinets, it's really quite a good deal.

january fog

january fog

january fog