Showing posts with label metablog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metablog. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Instagram Cat Photos, 2023 edition

Yet another installment of the annual New Year's Eve tradition. It's hard to believe he turned 13(!) this year. For that matter, this humble blog turned 18 a couple of weeks ago, and -- true to 2023 form -- I couldn't quite put a post together about the semi-big occasion. My hope for 2024 is to finish a few more half-completed posts than I did in 2023, but please note that I only said "hope" and not "goal", much less "binding contract". So we'll just have to wait and see how that turns out.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Cat Photos of 2021

Per New Year's Eve (more or less) tradition, here are some cat photos from the last year. The one on the bottom is actually from New Year's Eve last year, because I added it by accident and now it's too cute to remove. As luck would have it, this post is a tiebreaker, and I now have more posts this year than last year, with almost 90 minutes to spare. One thing I forgot to do this year was an early-December post about this weird little website turning 16 years old now, old enough for one of those extremely limited airquote drivers licenses for teens, and a poorly-paid job in the fast food sector. I also narrowly avoided doing a brand-new post about one of those street intersection murals that dot SE Portland -- I was going to explain that I had just sort of stumbled across it and knew nothing about it, but then I figured I ought to google it in case there was an interesting story to pass along or something... and discovered that I had already done a post about it and then forgot all about it. So yeah, that felt really great. Sixteen years, it's all just a blur, man.